Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New Member; from Arkansas - currently living in NM


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2021
I moved to NM a couple years ago. The pace of life has slowed down tremendously since leaving the rat race in DC and California. I finally have time to participate in hunting forums and other social activities!

I'm originally from Arkansas where I have family and property and a lifetime hunting license. I've also lived in California, Maryland, Oregon, and a short time in Alaska. I've had to learn the hunting situation in all those places (except Alaska) and so have become somewhat of an expert at quickly making a hunt game plan with minimal info. I'm excited to live in a State (NM) with great opportunities for big game hunts. Looks like Oryx, Ibex, Barbary Sheep are added to the menu here in NM!

Bird hunting with dogs is my first love (ducks, upland birds), closely followed by big game of all sorts. I enjoy introducing my two kids (7 and 12) to shooting and hunting. My daughter (12) has her hunter education which doubles our chances in the NM big game drawing. I get more satisfaction helping her be successful than hunting for myself! Can't wait for my youngest to get hunter certified so we can have triple chances!

My education and career have been in fisheries and wildlife although the most important lessons were learned on the cattle ranch in Arkansas where I grew up.
Hey, Welcome. I look forward to some of your input, having a Fisheries and Wildlife background.
I moved to NM a couple years ago. The pace of life has slowed down tremendously since leaving the rat race in DC and California. I finally have time to participate in hunting forums and other social activities!

I'm originally from Arkansas where I have family and property and a lifetime hunting license. I've also lived in California, Maryland, Oregon, and a short time in Alaska. I've had to learn the hunting situation in all those places (except Alaska) and so have become somewhat of an expert at quickly making a hunt game plan with minimal info. I'm excited to live in a State (NM) with great opportunities for big game hunts. Looks like Oryx, Ibex, Barbary Sheep are added to the menu here in NM!

Bird hunting with dogs is my first love (ducks, upland birds), closely followed by big game of all sorts. I enjoy introducing my two kids (7 and 12) to shooting and hunting. My daughter (12) has her hunter education which doubles our chances in the NM big game drawing. I get more satisfaction helping her be successful than hunting for myself! Can't wait for my youngest to get hunter certified so we can have triple chances!

My education and career have been in fisheries and wildlife although the most important lessons were learned on the cattle ranch in Arkansas where I grew up.
Welcome. I grew up between Beebe and Cabot. Lots of good folks and learning here.
Welcome from the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Lots of family in New Mexico going back 10,000 years or so. Beautiful state. My father grew up on the Los Alamos lab land, where my grandfather worked as a machinist. Grandpa died at age 42, perhaps due to the materials he worked with. Dad hunted all over those mountains, and his ashes are spread in the hills above the Valles Caldera.
From an Arkansas-born, Tennessee-raised, Oregon-wetted, New Mexican, welcome! This is beautiful country.

White Rock

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