New Job for Me!!!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2002
Friday Idaho Fish and Game called me and asked if I was still interested in a job that I talked with the regional director about a couple weeks ago. Of course I took it. Its pretty part time and temporary, but I'm thrilled to now be a IDFG employee. I'm going to be working on some EHD research, specifically trapping gnats. Maybe all the college was worth while and I may have just got started on some career building. I start on Tuesday and am thrilled about it.

I'm thinking I'll do all my hunting this fall in IDFG clothes just to freak people out. ;)
Congrats on the new JOB Tone.Hope all goes well with it.
I start my new job here in a couple weeks,a new Landscape company that wants me as their Superintendent so I am thrilled to say the least.
Congrats again and have fun.
Good for you Tone, I hope it works into something permanent, but if not I am sure you will have a great time with the job and make some good contacts.

Is EHG gonna whack the Whiteys again???
Haven't we talked about this spelling before? ;) :D
Thats basically what I thought, if nothing else I get some good contacts, experience, and a chance to do something. I plan on going to graduate school next fall anyways so I wasn't looking for something permanent, but if it had come along that would have been great. Hopefully I'll be in Missoula to get my masters.

Elkgunner, I'm not sure about EHD for this year. Last year kinda combined some circumstances(high deer density, long dry spells, etc.) and some of the deer density was taken care of by last year and who knows what our moisture will be like this summer. Basically I'm going to be seeing what sort of gnats are out there and to what degree, I think anyways I guess I know alot more on Tuesday.
Way to go and major congrats to your new place in life, I am very happy you got such a good job...
Thanks for the phone call Kevin, way to go on your new Job Title, and pay raise. It is good to see good things happening to you finally, you have had your nose to the grindstone for a long time and your up and commings are finally here... :D
I haven't actually seen one of the traps yet, but from the way they were described to me there is some sort of attractant that they fly into and then they fall into a mixture of antifreeze and something else to die/be preserved. The mix is then filtered to remove the gnats from it and the mixture is used over again. Filtered gnats are stored and labeled and I think I'm shipping them to Caldwell or somewhere in Wyoming for them to be identified.
Congrats and good luck. Remember the males are the ones with the beard(you don't REALLY have to check between the legs!! :D :D )

Congrats on the new job,but why would any one want to trap gnats? Is Idaho being overrun? Is there an incursion of gay gnats or muslim fundamentalist gnats or something like that?

What's up with the gnat trapping in Idaho??

Maybe you will be known as the man that ridded the world of epizootic hemorrhagic disease and saved the whitey from the brink of extinction. ;) Hell, I almost spelled it correctly the first time out. :D
Are they Buffalo Gnats??? Those things are getting real bad in the Ontario/Weiser/Payette/Fruitland/New Plymouth area. Almost to the point where being outside is a pain.
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