Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Its a mad mad world!

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I call BS on both of these posts by Hedgehog. There is a line between discussion, humor and misogyny and too frequently in the last few months I have seen posts pushing that line. I am no wall flower, love a good laugh, and hate PC too, but at some point we have to address the fact that too many men feel “putting women in their place” is OK. Even if Hedghog didn’t have that intent, he might then be playing into the worst of others who take these types of “jokes” to the wrong place.

Reminds me of when Dave Chappell left comedy for a while. One of his reasons was that he began to find that “too many were laughing too hard for the wrong reasons”.

HT should be a place for women, girls, and any orientation if they have interest in the outdoors and and public lands - they shouldn’t have to wade through thinly veiled crap to be part of this place.

The worst 2% of men goad an ambivalent and persuadable 25% of men to continue to cling to an “only men count” worldview — it is time for the 25% to get a clue, the 73% of us to call it out, and for the 2% to move to a Incel thread on Reddit.

I certainly have fallen short of my own standards at times, but I don’t wear those moments as some testosterone badge of honor. I apologize, learn and try to do better. I am sure the “tough guys” on HT will blast me, but it means nothing. What means something is when a person who feels excluded sees that someone cares enough to say something. I have gotten too many “thanks for your support” DMs on HT over the years from women and others who feel mocked to feel good about how we collectively behave on HT. I encourage sons, fathers, brothers and husbands, to call out those who demean our moms, daughters, sisters and wives in so many little ways. And the same goes for those who have a different sexual orientation than our own - they too are some of our dearest relations whether we know it or not.

As for OP - is it entirely clear that if she had a hard hat on that you would have addressed her as you addressed the men? I guess we won’t know, but I have my doubts. Regardless, it is fairly clear that OP and the woman were both touchy on this subject — but I would guess she has had to deal with a lot more “being ignored in the workplace” than he has had being called out by a women - so I guess the tie breaker goes to her in my book.

I would have preferred that OP would have posted his story and ended with - so guys, while I meant no disrespect and I think she was a little over the top, let’s all be a little more attentive to the challenges of our mothers, daughters, sisters and wives in the workplace. Instead the post encourages a cascade of knuckle dragging support. We can do better.
I find the length of this post to be offensive.
Another recent thread that is completely useless for the issues of hunting, conservation, and access. There must be some bored people in world for some of the recent to be worthy of time to discuss on a hunting forum.

This one is locked. I'd caution people to start using discretion in their topics, their responses, and their behavior on the forum. Some folks think this is their online playground for absurdity. It's not. Take that to FB and IG. There are people who truly value the discussions that happen here and some just can't resist the temptation to run it in the ditch.

My give a shit meter isn't too well calibrated right now.
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