New member
I would like to introduce myself - my name is Terry Krogstad and live in N.W. Montana, Kalispell to be exact. This sight is pretty cool -lots of topics I can relate to. You are doing hunters a service providing this web sight - thanks Moosie. Love to hunt them elk with my bow but not above using the rifle if not tagged out in archery. Break my arm patting myself on the back having killed an elk 19 years in a row until coming to work for Plum Creek 4 years ago, batting 50 % now - having plenty of huntin time is key to my success for elk. Working for P.C. = little time off. Hunting mule deer in rut is a passion also, trophy buck or nothing for me. A dream huntin day is when high pressure lifts the clouds off the mountains about the 10th of Nov. Lots of radiant fog settles on the top 1/3 of the mountains once the snow comes in N.W. Montana. I usually hunt solo. Elk hunting time permiting my 6 pack goats go with and I set a bivy type camp in the way back and gypsy around. The one luxury in my hunting pack that I would least like to leave behind is my GPS, Krogstad's theory is the more nights you spend out wondering where camp is the heavier your back pack gets. The GPS is a wonderful thing, go farther with confidense, chase elk into the dark going away from camp and then finding your way back but still prepared to spend the night. What would you guys least like to leave behind when heading into the way back? One other thing special to me is my polar fleece bibs - lot of pockets and light weight. T.K.