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New Ford Bronco

ya know back in the day i used to love fords,,ive had 4 old ford broncos,,2 f250 pickups and a ford mustang//but now as a mechanic of over 38 years,,ford does a good job of keeping me in business,,they engineer so many faults into there rigs its crazy,,from f 150s with brake problems,,{newest recall of 300000 rigs} to air conditioning pump failures on several of our fleet f -550s, to doors not staying latched closed on the new aluminum body trucks around 2015,back to the 6.0 is not where i would spend my personal money..sorry you ford guys,,thats just my personal opinion as a veteran truck mechanic that works on em everyday.just trying to help.
ya know back in the day i used to love fords,,ive had 4 old ford broncos,,2 f250 pickups and a ford mustang//but now as a mechanic of over 38 years,,ford does a good job of keeping me in business,,they engineer so many faults into there rigs its crazy,,from f 150s with brake problems,,{newest recall of 300000 rigs} to air conditioning pump failures on several of our fleet f -550s, to doors not staying latched closed on the new aluminum body trucks around 2015,back to the 6.0 is not where i would spend my personal money..sorry you ford guys,,thats just my personal opinion as a veteran truck mechanic that works on em everyday.just trying to help.
Hmm. My buddy runs the largest private mechanic shop in our area and drives an F-150 with the EcoBoost. His wife is looking at the new Explorers.

My father-in-law was a truck mechanic until he retired and drives a PowerStroke, his wife drives an F-150.

It seems like that may not be the only way to judge a manufacturer. 🤷‍♂️
there are alot of issues with eco-boost,, with long term reliability,,{lots of oil leakers beyond 100k} there are issues with almost all makes out there,,dodge ford,chev,nissan ,jeep,even toyotas,,ya just got to try to pick what works best for your just very soured on fords if it was my money to spend.I M O,,,i know there are alot of ford lovers out there that like there rigs that will differ in there opinion.
there are alot of issues with eco-boost,, with long term reliability,,{lots of oil leakers beyond 100k} there are issues with almost all makes out there,,dodge ford,chev,nissan ,jeep,even toyotas,,ya just got to try to pick what works best for your just very soured on fords if it was my money to spend.I M O,,,i know there are alot of ford lovers out there that like there rigs that will differ in there opinion.
I know right.. dam my tundra and its one recall in 12 years for floor mats! Butas some of you know i have a ram cummings on order since ineed tow power. As far as bronco why? Did toyota stop making 4runners and i missed it(got oneof them also)
thats correct,,id take a 4 runner over a bronco,,also almost always there are issues and bugs that they gotta get worked out the first few years of a new model,,toyota 4 runners are nice rigs with not alot of changes in many years.
there are alot of issues with eco-boost,, with long term reliability,,{lots of oil leakers beyond 100k} there are issues with almost all makes out there,,dodge ford,chev,nissan ,jeep,even toyotas,,ya just got to try to pick what works best for your just very soured on fords if it was my money to spend.I M O,,,i know there are alot of ford lovers out there that like there rigs that will differ in there opinion.
Dan what do you drive? Whatever it is I will link to a forum with people asking how to fix its issues. Or we can just skip that.
From one mechanic to another, mechanical things break.
Last I checked reliability tracking shows ford as one of the better domestic manufacturers.
I love my old toyota tacoma with over 255k nearly trouble free miles,,thats why i just bought a new 2020 tacoma,,, and my 04.5 dodge ram cummins 2500 full size,,and yes,they are not perfect either in stock form.yes mechanical things break,,but with proper engineering,,auto makers could build a heck of a rig if they wanted too,,,not build flaws into them,,,like i said,,fords are great to make a living on as a mechanic..but this thread is about the new bronco,,lets agree to disagree and get back to the new bronco.
08 f-250 with the V10. Thirsty but reliable. Just keep them maintained and you will be just fine. I also tend to lean towards 3/4 ton or bigger as they are just made to handle a bit more stress then your 1/2 ton trucks. I have had nothing but bad luck with mopars, yet my dad never has an issue with his. Hes been running dodge 1500s since 2009 after he switched from running fords for the last 30 years. Stopped running the landscaping business so he didn't need the diesel any more. To each his own, hard to find a bad truck these days. Its whatever you have good luck with at this point.
I just think it is hilarious they are releasing the Bronco on OJ Simpson's Birthday......

Ford Motor Company is bringing back the SUV infamously used as a getaway car by O.J. Simpson — on the disgraced football star’s 73rd birthday.

The car manufacturer will unveil the 2021 Ford Bronco on July 9.

A Ford rep said the launch date was “purely coincidental” but the company has no plans to change it.

“We’re going to reveal Bronco just like we said we would on July 9,” rep Mike Levine told the Detroit Free Press.

Ninety-five million people watched live on June 12, 1994, as cops trailed Simpson’s white 1993 Bronco down Interstate 405 in Los Angeles.

After an 11-month trial, Simpson was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman.

A civil trial later found him responsible for their deaths.

Despite a brief uptick in sales after Simpson’s failed escape, Ford discontinued the original Bronco in 1996, after a 30-year run.
With 70's era rust? ;)
Had a '65 Scout as a teen. Why I sold it bares the markers of a young man who should've received a royal arse whoopin! Haha!
Later, a '72 Scout II - Added my awesome customs spray paint job! Nice high end lines of paint visible. Good part, it took a lickin and kept kickin!

However, had I the $, I would have hopped into a '72 Bronco, stock... well maybe a 2" lift. Those have become $$$ machines! May have topped my retirement account! Haha!