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New call to sell public lands

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Ben, do you think there is a play involved S. 3525 and this? In my griping about 3525 a friend involved in policy brought up the point that it seems odd the drastic change and something else is at play. Which would seem to make sense, I mean why go 84/12 on cloture less than a couple of weeks ago to flip lastnight.
I doubt that this is the play. The R's are going to hold out on taxes in regards to the fiscal cliff, and Murkowski and Kyl both have bills they want in a public lands omnibus. I think that might be the play more so than selling public lands. I should know more on what the play is when things settle down. From what I've heard, Senator Session's office staff is not happy with the amount of calls and emails they have been recieving. :)

I think, at it's heart, this was more about punishing Tester for getting re-elected and trying to make a statement about spending rather than a political game. The other intel I gathered was that the sporting community is fired up, livid and feel like they've been betrayed.

The Western Caucus knows that any public land sales would run into a huge buzzsaw but they keep trying to push this through.
I just got off the phone with a old friend from NJ of all places(long story short we worked at the Forest Service together in the early 90's). He has been out here and understands publics lands. I wish I had video of him the first time I called a bull in for him at 15 yards. It went well for elk, poorly for hunter.

He is now a cop; dyed in the wool R and had zero idea of this kind of stuff going on with the R side.

Just saying.................................
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I just got off the phone with a old friend from NJ of all places(long story short we worked at the Forest Service together in the early 90's). He has been out here and understands publics lands. I wish I had video of him the first time I called a bull in for him at 15 yards. It went well for elk, poorly for hunter.

He is now a cop; dyed in the wool R and had zero idea of this kind of stuff going on with the R side.

Just saying.................................

Give Randy his number.
Scary thing is Bishop is our most logical representatives. Utah politics are as far right as you can get with vehement attitude towards anything federal including public lands. Of course we love federal highway money, federal defense projects, federal energy development, federal education funding, federal farm subsidies, etc, etc, etc.

Funny how the pendulum swings. In 1987 it was Utah Representative Wayne Owens who introduced legislation to reintroduce wolves. Sorry to MT, WY, ID for that.

Maybe it's karma
So let me get this straight, selling public land is bad, giving public land to a sovereign nation in leu of payment is good?

Damn season has only been over for 2 days and so it begins.

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