Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Nominee

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I feel better now, the NRA supports him! Wait a minute, don't they also support the Bigot Ted Nugent and every Republican politician who supports PLT. Sure they do, but heck that's a small price to pay cause they're good on guns.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend
Chicago Do Gooders.png
Does anyone know anything about him? Care to explain? I'm asking for a friend.

His reasoning in Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Sebelius, 723 F.3d 1114, 1142 (10th Cir. 2013), aff'd sub nom. Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2751, 189 L. Ed. 2d 675 (2014) could easily be trounced by any Second Year Law Student, especially in failing to distinguish . . . well, never mind. It's not relevant to HuntTalk. I'll just say he's no Learned Hand.
Didn't really read much about him in that.. but hey as long as long as trump appointed him I guess we can judge him by what his dead mother did in the Reagan administration.

All I was saying is that I find it a bit disconcerting that we may soon have a member of SCOTUS who "personified the 'Sagebrush Rebellion' of the 1970s and 1980s". Should we judge him based solely on this? No, but given the relative dearth of information out there right now on Gorusch, I thought folks may find it useful.

But hey, it's not like the environment a person is raised in has any bearing on their future beliefs, right?
I seem to remember a lot of conservatives getting thier panties all up in a knot over Obama's parents and the environment of his up-bringing. But hey, we all know our indignation is reserved for when our bitch is getting slapped.
That's cute. Enjoy your guns, it may be all you have left, but it doesn't appear you really care so I'm sure you'll be happy.

If push comes to shove on PLT, we're going to need them. Especially the scary black ones.
If push comes to shove on PLT, we're going to need them. Especially the scary black ones.

This is true, not only on our current issue of interest, but all issues. I just wish gun rights advocates who think along these lines would remember some lessons from history: The Mujahadeen, Viet Cong, American Patriots, ISIS, and every other successful insurgents who threw off some of the most powerful nations on Earth at the time had something besides guns: they had a place to fight from, regroup, and hide; be it jungle, desert or a wilderness continent. I can't think of any successful resistance based solely from an urban environment.

Our public lands and vast tracts of undeveloped area (the more pristine, the better) should stand right up there with the Second Amendment when it comes to the defense of freedom.

Sure hate to see it come to that, but again, having the black scary ones would work out a whole lot better with a big wide open from which to operate and in which to hide.
"He also maintains a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, or how it was originally understood by the Founding Fathers."

"In a 2005 article in the National Review, Judge Gorsuch argued that "American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom".
He said they keep "relying on judges and lawyers rather than elected leaders and the ballot box, as the primary means of effecting their social agenda"."

He fishes, hunts, likes to ski, can quote Churchill, and likes the Constitution. Sounds like a solid choice to me. The only drawback I can see is that he lives in the People's Republic of Boulder...Although if he can successfully live among those lunatics, he's probably ready for the Supreme Court.
Our public lands and vast tracts of undeveloped area (the more pristine, the better) should stand right up there with the Second Amendment when it comes to the defense of freedom.

Sure hate to see it come to that, but again, having the black scary ones would work out a whole lot better with a big wide open from which to operate and in which to hide.

I now understand the paranoia with PLT. You do realize that was a fantasy film? Sleep well tonight James "Wolverine" Riley
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