
Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Nominee

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Well, while in school, he founded the "Fascism Forever Club" and was the president for 4 years.

You really can't make this shit up. Bannon has convinced Trump to nominate the founder of Facists Forever....

And Duke's Daddy is excited.

Yay Fascists!!!
Well, while in school, he founded the "Fascism Forever Club" and was the president for 4 years.

You really can't make this shit up. Bannon has convinced Trump to nominate the founder of Facists Forever....

And Duke's Daddy is excited.

Yay Fascists!!!

Easy there Jose. There is "Georgetown University" and then there is "Georgetown Prep" (think high school). It's an exciting graduation qoute if you are looking for opposition. That said, I am willing to bet that Facism Forever was not a school sponsored club and only existed as a smart ass yearbook qoute.

No doubt, he is not a liberal I will give you that. But to try and wreck a guy over his yearbook posting when he was seventeen, come on. I am sure you put some deep thoughtful qoute in your graduation yearbook.
Easy there Jose. There is "Georgetown University" and then there is "Georgetown Prep" (think high school). It's an exciting graduation qoute if you are looking for opposition. That said, I am willing to bet that Facism Forever was not a school sponsored club and only existed as a smart ass yearbook qoute.

No doubt, he is not a liberal I will give you that. But to try and wreck a guy over his yearbook posting when he was seventeen, come on. I am sure you put some deep thoughtful qoute in your graduation yearbook.

Except I said absolutely nothing about any sort of your book graduation quote.

You can fabricate any straw man you want, but I still didn't say it.

Go spend some time researching the club he founded and was president of.

Fascism Forever. Yay!!!
I bet this exclusive, liberal high school (that charges $50,000 a year for tuition) did allow and sponsor such a club. What would be the downside? I can't wait to see the membership list (hands rubbing together).
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I now understand the paranoia with PLT. You do realize that was a fantasy film? Sleep well tonight James "Wolverine" Riley

I noticed you didn't contest the merits. So, speechless (or more like factless) you demonstrate that art imitates life with a little humor. Good one. LOL!
I noticed you didn't contest the merits. So, speechless (or more like factless) you demonstrate that art imitates life with a little humor. Good one. LOL!

You can't fight a fool, debate a dumb@#$, or respond to every paranoid polemic (+2 elitist points) rant.

Proud progressive conservative = Pro public land, pro gun, pro life, pro god, pro conservation, pro multiple land use, pro all outdoor recreation and sports, pro American exceptionalism, pro church, pro family. And today is Groundhog Day without Prez O, Spring is coming
Duke, Riley, and Jose. You guys are about ready to be given a new password. You guys Eff up over half the threads you participate in.
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