PEAX Equipment


quick many of you r wearing pocket protectors and have tape on your eye-glasses?
New Conduct Rules

We have devised these simple rules to ensure that each and every one of the members of the Hunttalk Forum has a quality experience using the forum. The size, the varying cultures and religions of our membership make posting this Code of Conduct a necessity.
The rules are not meant to stifle ideas or inhibit anyone’s right of free speech but are in place to promote the exchange of ideas and information. Always remember that posting on Hunttalk is a privilege it is not your right.
Members will post in a civil manner.
· Name calling or flaming another member will not be tolerated.
· Abusive talk or threats on a member can be subject for immediate suspension of posting privileges
· Treat every member new or old with respect
· When engaged in a discussion, debate or arguments have respect for the other position.
· Refrain from using foul language or anything that resembles foul language.
· Do not post pictures of scantily clad women or men.
· References to bestiality or pictures of such will not be tolerated.
· If you have a problem with an another member do not post it on the forum, use e-mails to settle your differences
· Under no circumstances will someone’s e-mails to you or another be posted with out their permission
· Do not attempt to convert, Show the way, etc. any member on this forum your religious beliefs.
· Remember what you type can and will be read by hundreds/thousands of people. If you can’t or won’t say it to your mother then don’t say it here. Remember the printed word does not show emotion; something you meant in jest could be taken the wrong way.
· Good old common Courtesy is never out of place
· If you feel you have been treated unfairly by an Admin e-mail [email protected], state the problem and the thread it was on.
· If a thread is deleted it was because of a violation of one of these rules. You may e-mail [email protected] for an explanation. Do not ask for one on the forum it will not be given.

Copywrited material
· You may openly and freely discuss any product or may state your opinion about a product.
· Please do not post Copywrited articles or pictures. We are required by law to remove them.

Topics I would avoid until I got to know everyone on the forum.
· The Illegal activities of you or your friends
· Shooting dogs
· Panthers (especially black but Tan can get you scoffed at)
· Bigfoot
· Religion

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-22-2003 17:50: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>
Screw the Group hug.... I want a FIGHT.. Hopefully ALL the women though... Mmmmmm Speaking of Chicks... NEEd to go revisit the adult section... BBL
BBL means Be BAck later.. not Big Black Ladies either.....
Man are you guys tellin me i cant say HEY WHAT UP MY NIGGA. To moosie any more.
Or I cant say hey MARS you GOAT HEARDING SOB. MAN that sucks.
Chebby, You can say whatever you want to Moosie and Mars,,, what you can't say is "sucks"....


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