
First off Thanks Mike.
Mar's,your off base I havent email mike.
Not everyones eyes are closed to the workings of Ithaca.
The only camo-greenie I was talking about was Ithaca ,its been a joke betweeen a few of us ,but you know what it fit's to a freaking T.
I dont see some of you as wanting to see the other side to these baiting posts that Ithaca floods the board with.
If you did you might also be wise enough to understand that our posting style and life styles are as varied as the issues we post about.
Our views and how we see these issues that happen to be in OUR back yard,and yet you think we need to all post and act like Ithaca robot's in our posting.
If we dont get the little dig in ,in the same pansy assed way as Ithaca then what we are trying to get across (in out limited way)as we have been told many many times how stupid,and what do-nothing we all our. is of no value.
Well as del said some people just dont work like that.
I have NO RESPECT for people like Ithaca that use the back door digs to shape everyones minds to see his side.
We have posted good stuff,only to be told it isnt good enough,or our info is biased,what the hell do you think the other side posts.
You want only the media cut & Paste stuff,all that is a great start ,but when you bring in issues that face just our State alone how do you forget about the human side and what it all means to the family's that live here?
OH Yeah ,they dont mean chit,there just ranchers,or ATV owners,or guys that use outfitters in there own State ,or people the would shoot a fork horn for the meat there not Real people like bird hunters.
We know none of them can understand whats really going on!!!!.
I cant be Ithaca ,I cant post like Ithaca ,and I wont be froced to be a freaking Ithaca clone.
If all these Issues were so one sided and in the bag as Ithaca wants you to believe why are we even having these debates?
I think its not only me that isnt getting it.
Sorry I dont fit into your little one sided forum ,sorry I can be more like Ithaca (gag)
If you really see it as Im the only one picking on Ithaca ,well I can only respond by being me,the same way I would to your face
Screw you guys and
Have a nice day doing it.
I knew I should have rewritten the 500 word post.............

Deb using common courtesy doesn't mean posting like Ithaca's robot if your mind is that limitted to believe that , then that's the reason these debates slide the way they do.
So what if he slams your sources on articles, do you really believe those here reading are that stupid that they can't see through the bullshit? The only time people can't see through it is when ou minds get turned off from slams and namecalling going on then we get to reading the slams instead of the info provided, you ruin your own arguement by making the info second to the games.

I am really saddened that after these years of us posting together here and me trying to help you whip him that you would think I would expect you to post like him , as him ,or anything like that, I thought you knew me better than that.
mike, Please re-read this topic!

You are fine one to talk!

I watched you on one thread call someone an idiot, moron, etc,etc numerous times.

Marland steps in when someone mispells your name???

What hypocritical BULLSHIT!

And I have seen your buddies delete and censor posts here.

When I come to SI..I know its a losing battle.

But it sure is fun
Hey I should be the most offended party here. The Enviro-nuts,,this nut did that, The nutcases want this, and etc.......

When I grow up I want to be Ithaca's personal moderator

(sorry couldnt help myself again)
Mule, You've been around long enough to know the history of this stuff. I played by the rules 'til I got tired of you and a few others ignoring them and decided to start replying in kind.

Any time you all want to go by Marland's rules I'm all in favor of it. In fact, I think it's time to start banning anyone who doesn't follow Mar's rules. You've all had plenty of second chances.

How about it, Marland? Can we start right now?
what a crock

I want my mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-18-2003 08:52: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Hey Mars,Ill buy you that drink
It's the least I can do for you having to put up with me

Oh heck ,Steve just said "a drink Ha ,you owe him a whole darn bottle"
I didnt want to tell him its more like a case.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MULE:

You are fine one to talk!

I watched you on one thread call someone an idiot, moron, etc,etc numerous times.

Marland steps in when someone mispells your name???

What hypocritical BULLSHIT!

And I have seen your buddies delete and censor posts here.

When I come to SI..I know its a losing battle.

But it sure is fun

Mule , why don't you try talking about something you know about?

Yeah I step in when someone screws with anyone's name unfortunately the only one's that do it are the children.

Buddies delete and censor? Only when it gets bad. It's too much fun watching a bunch of people who cannot defend their positions intelligently revert to schoolyard tactics.

Banning? No, the people that only read here wouldn't have the laughs derived from the people in the paragraph above.

Ithaca's a guy folks love to hate but you all are the one's they are laughing at.
Or you could all just GROW UP. Ps: If you ever feel the need or desire to call me names- go ahead, it just doesn,t matter.
MD dear one , f we got to paying eachother drinks we feel we owe eachother we'd be drunk for a week. Wait a minute.. that ain't a bad idea, you coming here or am I going there?
Having visited forums on various subjects i can assure you that the namecalling or pottymouths (or swearing as most adults would call it) here is very limited. It seems that gun people are amongst the nicest and most reserved in their use of abusive language around the whole net...You should look at some cigar sites people. The language in there is so bad it makes you sick.
I think this is a flashback to 2000. The names have been changed to protect the new folks.

I thought when certain people got dumped, all of this crap was supposed to stop.. What's up with that?? As for the drinking, the first couple of rounds are on me...

Wild Turkey for the house....


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wild Turkey for the house....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now THERE's a man who knows his liquor!

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