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Just a little insite for Mule.
You arent the only one that has gotten the TALK.LOL
---------but hey if moosie or mar's thinks you need to be spanked for not kissing up to the greenie's ,maybe they will let me stand in for you ;) ;) Im kinda used to those spanking's by now and I kinda ,miss them :eek: :eek:
P.S.what alot of this means is, some guy's are kind of pansey's and cant take it when the playing gets ruff.
Keep that under your hat ,OK ;)
You have to learn to slam people without really comming right out and saying it.
Thats the camo-greenie rule's. As long as you do it like that they will let you stay & play LOL
I have a whole list of good things to call people :D :D
Like moosie is a puck wad turd troll ;)
and ithica is a granolla munchin tree huggin yule gibbon wanna be.
mule, kraven, the elk boys, are perverts :eek:
Mike hunt, is just plain NASTY :confused:
And I'm just me :D ;)
Me, I'm just plain STUPID.

I thought the elky boys was PREverts :D :rolleyes:
:D .
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Muledeer4me:
Just a little insite for Mule.
You arent the only one that has gotten the TALK.LOL
---------but hey if moosie or mar's thinks you need to be spanked for not kissing up to the greenie's ,maybe they will let me stand in for you ;) ;) Im kinda used to those spanking's by now and I kinda ,miss them :eek: :eek:
P.S.what alot of this means is, some guy's are kind of pansey's and cant take it when the playing gets ruff.
Keep that under your hat ,OK ;)
You have to learn to slam people without really comming right out and saying it.
Thats the camo-greenie rule's. As long as you do it like that they will let you stay & play LOL

You know MD, you just don't get it. It's not about sucking up to the "greenies" it's about the free exchange of information without personal attacks.

It's not about not being able to take it when it gets rough, it's about not having to wade through the bullshit to get information. I was unable to get in here for a couple of days and I was getting emails from people (not one from who you like to lie about and accuse) asking how long I was going to let the crap of the last few days go on.

This part here Thats the camo-greenie rule's. so , now I'm a camo-greenie? I made the rules outlined above with Moosie when I was on the phone with him about moderating this forum because I saw what Bcat and crew did to this place. Remember that far back?

As a matter of fact, at the time all I was wanting to do was whip Ithaca's ass on here because he had a tendency to rub people the wrong way. Remember I was the one that coined the phrase way back when about "don't feed the monkey" when Ithaca was posting. But something changed that, Ithaca followed the rules of good debate, respecting my wishes on here (granted he played it to the hilt) and while he was following the guidelines some of my alleged "friends" were blatantly ignoring them. So, Ithaca earned my respect while a few others earned nothing from me but contempt. I still have to be fair when doing my moderating duties and I DO NOT cater to anyone person.

So you can call this place "Ithaca's Issues" or whatever you want, and lie about things but, according to emails I get, people see who the immature one is.

And this ain't no where near a spanking, but you can call it that if it makes you feel better than recognizing the truth.

Oh yeah I'd better add some :D :D :D 's and LOL's to make this look ok.
I think your last post was out of line.

MD was obviously being funny, You do know what humor is don't you?

I read this forum all the time, and it seems to me that you have a case of the ass for MD, There are alot of others myself included who have posted things as bad or worse than she has. For some reason you seem to single her out. Why is that?

Maybe a post like the one above could have been sent through e-mail??? or private message?? its one thing to have other posters slam you. But the mods should either address the whole group or do it privatly.

I can see where ithica is probably sending you his complaints like a little school boy snitch/tattletale and your buying into it.

I don't like tattletale's my 5 yr old gets chewed out for it. I would think if you post in a forum like this you should expect to have disagreements, and if you have to resort to crying to mommy maybe you should just stay inside and not go out and play. :D :D
"theres the smilies to make it all ok"
[email protected]
Mars, I think your last post was right IN LINE.

I mean its pretty lopsided on who brings info to the board and who brings trouble. Everyone brings a little of each, but any debate with a few on here is pointless. It isnt debate, its a temper tantrum and an excuse to call names. Case in point on the post above.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-07-2002 16:31: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
Ya buzz, thats good!!
Go read the tripe you and mule are throwing around :(
And she gets chewed out????????????????????? give me a break.
Hey mike, go take a look who started the "tripe" you're talking about. If you care to look, Mule was busting my balls when I wasnt even around. I returned from a successful elk and deer hunt in MT to find a mule was posting a bunch of crap directly at me. Also note that the BS between mule and I was limited to one thread, and note I didnt cry to any moderator.

Now, go look at the trouble a few others make on nearly EVERY thread Ithaca makes just because they cant back up their views with a single fact or prove him wrong.

Big difference there Mike.
I can see marlands point, I can see buzz's point .. But its funnier then Shit, And I understand where Mule MD4me and a few others are coming from as well.....

Ithaca use's intelectial(sp) personal attacks. Where only the ones that are in a debate with him know they are attacks....

Debbie mule and some others(my self included) dont play that game and say it like it is....

Ithaca is a very good debater and he can call you a f-in idiot and most people wouldnt even know it because of the words he use's and the way he says them....

Man I am glad this is just the internet :D :D
Mike I realy don't care what you think, you don't know how long I've been fighting to keep this forum clean and neat.

MD wasn't being funny evidently you haven't been paying attention for the last year.

I explained in my post about ignoring rules etc. evidently your reading comprehension stinks.

I've sent emails to her until I'm blue in the face, it does no good.

And no, I haven't gotten one email from Ithaca in the last two months and that was over personal stuff. But I can see that MD has been emailing you because that's the shit she keeps saying.

If anyone has a case of ass for someone it's you all towards Ithaca, I'll tell you what, I'll ask him to refrain from posting for two weeks and we'll see if you and your buddies can keep this forum as diverse and informative as he does, Are you willing to play the bad guy to draw stuff out?

Now go back and reread MD's post, real slow.
I have never sent or recieved an e-mail from MD. My opinion is based from reading this board.
I guess what kind of got to me was I had just got done reading the crap in that thread that is going on between mule and buzz, Ithica was a part of it as well but was smart enough to quit.
Then I come to this thread and see where you are jumping on MD, and I think "what the hell" he lets that GARBAGE stand and chews her out for that????
That just seemed very hypocritical to me.

So I posted to ithica that I was bowing out of the other thread. I don't want to argue with him anymore. and it has nothing to do with winning or loosing.
I come to this site for entertainment, and to enjoy myself, I find neither arguing with ithica. I usually post alot like moosie with alot of tongue in cheek, I don't take this crap on these boards serious, ithica does take it serious, so it is a waste of both our time to continue. I will join in on the ~fun~ fights,

I didn't mean attack you if thats the way you took it. Nothing personal at all. Just the way I percieved things. And to me it does seem that you play fovorites when it comes to the battles with ithica and MD.
sorry if that offends you, But thats the way I see it.
Nothing personal towards ithica either, we just have different opinions, and why continue when all it is going to lead to is hard feelings??
STRETCH.... # # # # Y A W N # # # #

Having a debate and not calling someone a poo poo head is no fun ;)

I'm thinking everyone thinks "It's not ME" !!!

From what I've read, It's a bunch-a all of ya :D :D
Moosie, you're a poo poo head.

Mike, I can see where you might see Mars' post as picking on Deb, but from past experience I think it's just the opposite. Buzz & Mule will never let their little pissing match go on force of logic, so it's a waste of time. MD, on the other hand, is worth the extra effort. Hell, Mars is a better man than I am; I would have deleted the whole dang thread a long time ago, or moved it up to Fireside with the rest of the Jerry Springer stuff. ;)
Mike I had a huge assed reply here but since me getting in here is hit and miss it did not take.

In short, this forum has the fewest posters but the most information passed than most I visit, I am proud of it and the crew here.

MD is a hell of a lady and I think a lot of her, she does seem to lose composure when dealing with Ithaca, but she is an asset to the forum. I came down on her because she is a LOT better than the crap she's been posting lately.

I was locked out when the Mule and Buzz fiasco was going on, when I did get in I locked it.

Ithaca plays by the rules, when I have to put on my Moderators hat, I am going to be harder on the one that ain't playing nice. Reason being I hate having to be the hardass, and when I am made to, who am I going to reprimand the one playing by the rules or the one making persoanl attacks? Do you punish the good one hoping the bad one learns by example?

This is a debate forum not the "PigPen" we had at one time, this is a place for information to be shared and discussed, not for petty name calling.

You should have been here about 2 years ago, you would understand why decorum is expected.

like I say this is a short version of a LONG post that didn't take.....it's not real clear but I ain't typing another 500 word post :D
I read this forum alot. Most of the time I will not post anything because I dont want to make myself sound anymore foolish than I already am. :rolleyes: I am not totally educated about western issues enough to formulate a logical conclusion on some of them.
I know that once namecalling and snide comments start the debate ends and I have nothing to learn from that. (I went to public schools in the inner city,learned how to do that along time ago ;) )

I emailed Marland about what was going on in here. It is his forum and his rules. So dont anybody say that he is in anybody's pocket. So you can say that I went crying to him if you want.

At least unless ya sleep with him in camp. Then the sheep and goats will be jealous of you. :D

Yea Moosie you are a poo poo head and a phuckwad troll.
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