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My first bird dog


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
A few months ago I started a thread asking some of you to talk me out of a bird dog. Congratulations, you all failed.

This is 8-week old Brittany pup "Chief". Brought him home last weekend from a kennel in northern WI and already he is a pain in my ass... The whining, the chewing, the crate training and the potty breaks every 3 hours during January here in Wisconsin are a bit much at first. But we are both quickly settling into a routine and I am excited to see him grow into a grouse pointing machine someday.

Seriously though, he is a pretty good pup and it is fun to watch him process his short pieces of training and pick up on "the rules" fairly quickly. Thank you everybody who chimed in with tips and the " do this/ don't do this" comments. It's all coming together and I am all in and looking forward to when the snow finally melts and the field training can begin.

Let the record show I declined to talk you out of this. ;). Congrats on a great looking pup, is he a French or American Brittany? either way enjoy what's coming the grouse woods will never be the same for you.
Let the record show I declined to talk you out of this. ;). Congrats on a great looking pup, is he a French or American Brittany? either way enjoy what's coming the grouse woods will never be the same for you.
He is an American Brittany. Great bloodlines going back to the 1970's though fwiw.
He will be another excuse to get outside (and out west in the future when he is finished). We are lucky to live near some amazing grouse habitat.
Congrats, very good looking pup. So glad to be beyond the sleepless nights stage!! Enjoy that puppy though, it is truly amazing how quickly they grow up!
cute pup, use the indoor time now for all the obedience stuff so spring time you can hit the ground running. love the standingstonekennles videos on facebook for some of their tips/tricks/training
Well done. I would have named him Jack Dempsey. Facial markings look like he's gone a few rounds with Joe Louis.
Good looking pup, been looking for brittany, but got English setter pup I pick up in march. Good luck to you and new friend
cute pup, use the indoor time now for all the obedience stuff so spring time you can hit the ground running. love the standingstonekennles videos on facebook for some of their tips/tricks/training
I've been watching them quite a bit actually. Good stuff between that and all the Ronnie Smith books I ordered on Amazon.
Great decision! One of your most memorable moments will be your dogs first point. One of the main things I start them doing is learning is to whoa. Using those smallest milk bones, I make them whoa before they can have it. When they get that down, the rest is easy. Even our Yorkie knows the game.


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Someday you’ll realize they’re 10, they’re slower; injured, no longer able to hunt five days straight, enjoy the ride. That is a great looking pup, I’m looking forward to your reports next fall.


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