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Muzzleloader/Open Sight Accuracy

I put TruGlo ghost rings on both me and my wife's muzzleloaders and our accuracy greatly improved. She is still new to muzzleloading, so she is still shooting shorter distances, but I can get a 2" group at 100 yards with mine. The ring helps your eye focus downrange without all of the peripheral view of the open fiberoptics. I got mine for $35 on Amazon.

I put the TruGlo rings on my CVA Optima V2, and it certainly helps.
The biggest problem I am having is that the rear sight (the peep) doesn't seem to glow much, so it is difficult for me to center the front sight in the peep.
Granted, I'm not as young as I used to be (aHEM...), but I want to know if there is a trick to getting better sight from the rear?
Front sight seems great.

I can shoot honest 3-4 inch at 100 with open sights. I have a Williams peep sight and fiber optic front sight. I also use the pumpkin on a post method. That allows my aging eyes to see my target. These modifications allow me to shoot well with a knight disc extreme with No excuse bullets and 75 grains BH
I just started shooting a knight ultralite and wasn't sure what to expect as far as accuracy goes. I have a necg rear site and a lyman front site with fine crosshair insert. With 100 grains of BH209 here is what it did yesterday at 100 yards.

Hornady FBP .50 - 300

Thor .50 - 300
I put a peep site on my CVA V2 optima, and I use a no excuses 460 grain sabot bullet. At a 100 yards im usually hitting the paper plate with groups around 3 inches. For me my range with colorado restrictions, open sights, is no more than 150 yards. You show me a hunter who says they are hitting a paper plate with colorado restrictions at 250 yards or more, which you read here from time to time, and I'll show you a hunter who is full of crap. :)
I'm an old guy, bad eyes, shootin' a T/C Hawkin flintlock (obviously open sights). I've accepted to use this weapon, as with my bow, all I can do is practice and shoot within my limitations. If we can't see a 100 yds to make a good consistent shot, don't shoot a 100. There is great satisfaction in harvesting a fine animal with such a traditional gun.
I'm more impressed by someone who can sneak in closer than I am with someone taking long shots.

One is hunting, and the other is shooting.
this thread makes me feel better about one of my rifles. I had it built with open sights just for something different but started to drive myself nuts trying to build the right load

came to conclusion that minute of deer/bear at 75 is all I need out of this rifle so the load is fine as it may be a sub moa load but a bit harder to get exact same sight picture every time open sight
156 yards with my T/C Omega. Plain iron sights. Practice. It's fun. You definitely get noticed at the range.
Caribou Gear

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