Changing the subject briefly, but related to how confusing FWP regs are,,,
This is from an FWP news release:
"“Starting Feb. 1, the new fee structure will standardize the definition of youth as those between 12 and 17 years old. This language replaces a number of age categories.”
So reading this one would think a youth hunter is now defined as a 12-17 year old, changing from a 12-15 year old, right?
Wrong, the new definition is for fee structure only. 12-17 get to buy the cheaper youth license but only the 12-15 year olds get to hunt in the special youth hunts. 16-17 year olds while holding the exact same license don't get to go. Add in the 10-15 year olds that are not youth but "licensed apprentice hunters" holding a "youth license" that can hunt in the special youth seasons.
Clear as mud.
Good grief Charlie Brown. In the day of declining hunter numbers, why any agency thinks it's a good idea to limit options for a 16 year old hunter is beyond me.