Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

MT opener

Going bird hunting instead.....less people, more relaxing and a lot easier packing game out.
I am also going bird hunting (roosters) and hoping that the casual pheasant hunters now switch to MT big game.
I usually only hunt weekdays since I'm retired but missed one weekday this week so headed out this morning.
I have mixed feelings about opening day. On one hand, I am excited, and on the other it reduces a lot of folks in a lot of geographies to herd animals in a race.

I live where I grew up, in what has become good elk country. Though it is heavily roaded. Opening day is a goddamn shit show in my neck of the woods.

Folks travel from the urban areas nearest me to Hunt in the hills behind my house. Probably close to 100 trucks already driven up the road this morning.

And so I will be driving away from the “good” hunting grounds, and taking a hike where there are less elk, but it doesn’t bother me, because there will be less people .

Good to everyone!

Not a great picture, but the endless line of cars coming up a rural road this morning.

Hate on me but I'll be the guy making all the racket cutting firewood. Probably the last day this year Ill have the opportunity so I'm doing it. Its not in what I would consider a "prime elk area" so don't get your panties in too much of a wad.

Good luck to all and I hope to see that "elk, lets see them" thread get lit up.
Worked logging as a young man, killed deer and elk with regularity while the saws and rigging were running. You all have a good time this weekend, I don’t get to start elk hunting until the end of the month.
The pressure on bma’s and state land in NE MT has been increasing like crazy the last several years. About 10-15% of the land is easily accessible and is hunted by probably 80-90% of the hunters. Lol
By deer season around here most places around here have almost already went through a full BMA book between bow hunting, bird hunting, and antelope.
Missing the opener. My daughter has a very important Dr. appointment Monday and I can’t risk missing that to take care of a dead animal. I’ll be there for the second weekend though. Just in time to spot them on private but not access them. Still going all in though 🤷🏻‍♂️. Good luck to all!!
Thought opener was next weekend!!! LMAO!!!
Setting this one out. Helping a buddy finish framing a shed after we replace brakes on his brother's rig since he's out of town working. Plan is to head out in Veteran's Day Weekend with the kids. Good luck everyone!!! May this season bring enjoyment, great memories, beautiful scenery, build strong(er) bonds, create everlasting friendships, most importantly give all of us a new found respect for the animals we chase and remind us happiness isn't always a gut pile at the end of a long walk. With that said....

Huntresses and Hunters SLAY 'EM.