Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

MT opener

None of you guys said driving all the way from Minnesota and coyote calling in bright orange suits!! Got to be honest, I didn’t see this one coming.

Pro tip: when it’s dead calm you don’t need to run your wildlife technologies e-call at max volume😂😂
Happy to report a couple elk down this morning. One of which I took a 12 yo out and he harvested his first bull. A nice 6x7, wish I would've videoed it.
Wow. I retract every negative thing I ever said about you. lol that’s awesome, congrats to the boy. I look forward to seeing some pics!
It's been a pretty quiet day in the elk woods so far. I haven't really ran into any people or elk for that matter. It has been a very nice and warm day.View attachment 298179
I was surprised to find that I only passed 2 camps and 1 other truck on the way up this morning. I've heard 3 shots total from long distance. Lots of fresh elk sign just no elk in it yet.
After the sun rose, I took my buddy and his son to a trail head that was empty. Where lowlands are overlooked and I have harvested numerous elk.

I won’t post pictures of their faces, but the smile on the seven year old’s face when his dad thumped the spike was all the hunting season I may ever need.

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AWESOME NEWS!!! Glad kids were there to see it!!!
Keep the kid reports coming!!! Lovin' them!! Be it as non gun totin' partners or gun toters.
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Look at me, Look at me, I'm from MT and we can just skip opening weekend!

Skip an opening rifle weekend in Colorado and its 22%-40% of your season GONE!
Look at me. I’m from Colorado where there’s elk and we don't need half the year to run a success rate barely over single digits on mostly rag horns.