Your just using this land deal to further your agenda of bitching about high NR fee's. That's a whole other topic, and I"ve seen Randy support those costs in comparison to other states. We all know that Montana is in line with the Western states.
This is my last post on this because you really seem to miss my point even though I said I was playing devil's advocate. I'll let you in on the truth about montana's hunting price fees for the combo. It benefits me well since my odds went from 60% drawing to being able to get the tag literally over the counter via leftovers. I no longer have a mortgage or car payments so paying the fees for 100% odds is no skin off my back and it works in my favor. However since I am a conservationist I know that even though it works out well for me to get 100% odds or buy Landowner vouchers in other states I will still fight to kill both advantages because I know it is not in the best interest for the future of hunting(this is how politicians need to think). I would rather sit out some years if I felt it was more affordable for those cannot make ends meet. Those who cannot see how hunting becomes a rich man's sport until it is too late should look at the early warning signs of other states and countries. .... Just because Montana's fees are in line with other states doesn't mean it is going in a healthy direction and that's the point me and I believe Randy are trying to convey. And this topic brings new light to more reasons why it is bad on a federal voting level so in the end I believe it is related. Peace my friend. . P.S. if my spelling sucks blame it on bad eyes and small smartphone screens
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