MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

The stupidity of this proposal is like nothing I have ever seen. Hank is unquestionably the most incompetent director ever.
Man everytime I hear about this stuff I think of this thread. Wild what a year can do to a reputation.

I believe the attachments are wrong on the FWP website. The one proposing the later start/finish date has “Alternative” at the top. The other attachment, under Proposed Dates-Alternative on the agenda does not have “Alternative” at the top. I’m hoping the attachments got mixed up in losing on the webpage and that the recommendation is for the standard dates. Who knows though with this administration.
Guys here that will sign up. mtmuley
Come on - need a few days after Christmas to shoot Santa's heritage Smokepole!

Reality: So many moving in, this is the norm with our legislature and Commission. Please the fickle mob. Keep handing the children candy... They know no better.

The bulk of the ones who give a damn are mostly those here. Should have been a week cut from end of archery or as others suggested, a week from Rifle, though now? Season's Greetings! Ho-Ho-Ho!

I believe the attachments are wrong on the FWP website. The one proposing the later start/finish date has “Alternative” at the top. The other attachment, under Proposed Dates-Alternative on the agenda does not have “Alternative” at the top. I’m hoping the attachments got mixed up in losing on the webpage and that the recommendation is for the standard dates. Who knows though with this administration.
Hope you're right for future sake though at this rate, year round may peek the fickle mob's interest even more.
Nope, both 2022 and 2023 are shown as a week later than normal, ending 10 days after Thanksgiving.

They always show changes in red also, this is a completely new season structure.
Glad you guys were on top of this. I read it briefly and commented my assumption before I read it thoroughly.

Any idea of the rationale behind why this is a good idea?
Make the season any later, and you'll be hunting antlerless bucks. Maybe they are on to something? Won't be many with antlers if you hunt them in February.

I didn't think FWP could accelerate to the cliff any faster, but they're doing a great job of coming up with new and creative ideas to get those over populated animals under control. Just wait for the SSS crowd to start blaming the wolves for lack of animals. haha. I'm for sure going muzz hunting next year. Finally a season that works with my vacation schedule. Got to get them while I can before there is nothing left. Thank you legislature for my Native tags, too! :D
Make the season any later, and you'll be hunting antlerless bucks. Maybe they are on to something? Won't be many with antlers if you hunt them in February.

I didn't think FWP could accelerate to the cliff any faster, but they're doing a great job of coming up with new and creative ideas to get those over populated animals under control. Just wait for the SSS crowd to start blaming the wolves for lack of animals. haha. I'm for sure going muzz hunting next year. Finally a season that works with my vacation schedule. Got to get them while I can before there is nothing left. Thank you legislature for my Native tags, too! :D
You can always hit the CWD extension hunt through February is you want…
So, what is most current? I don’t see those late dates in the draft regulations. Anyone care to elaborate?

I’m watching the working session while trying to prepare my testimony.
I believe the attachments are wrong on the FWP website. The one proposing the later start/finish date has “Alternative” at the top. The other attachment, under Proposed Dates-Alternative on the agenda does not have “Alternative” at the top. I’m hoping the attachments got mixed up in losing on the webpage and that the recommendation is for the standard dates. Who knows though with this administration.
Ok. Yeah now I’m very confused as well. This is starting to seem like a giant cluster $&(!!
From the cover sheet

Alternatives and Analysis: Season dates may be adopted as proposed, with adjustments, with additions, with deletions, or no change from 2021 (status quo). Because of warmer weather trends, there has been some advocacy to shift the five-week general elk and deer seasons at least one week later. That is shown on the Alternative season dates list, and would result in a two-week “dead week” between the archery-only and general deer/elk seasons, with the exception of the youth hunt days, which are tied to the MEA days. Heritage muzzleloader season would also be shifted a week later because it is tied statutorily to the end of the general big game season. The shift in the general season will result in overlap with the beginning of the mountain lion hound season, which currently starts on Dec. 1, after the end of the general big game season. There has also been a public request that the commission consider a later end date to pheasant season to Jan. 31 (currently ends on Jan. 1)
The info session was very interesting. The serious elk discussion starts around 1:10. They are already throwing out one of the major proposals on changing the limited entry to general on private because of the firestorm of public comment. If you are testifying tomorrow this is an important watch. You can see it here:
Make the season any later, and you'll be hunting antlerless bucks. Maybe they are on to something? Won't be many with antlers if you hunt them in February.

I didn't think FWP could accelerate to the cliff any faster, but they're doing a great job of coming up with new and creative ideas to get those over populated animals under control. Just wait for the SSS crowd to start blaming the wolves for lack of animals. haha. I'm for sure going muzz hunting next year. Finally a season that works with my vacation schedule. Got to get them while I can before there is nothing left. Thank you legislature for my Native tags, too! :D
Saw two yesterday that were only packing one side.
The info session was very interesting. The serious elk discussion starts around 1:10. They are already throwing out one of the major proposals on changing the limited entry to general on private because of the firestorm of public comment. If you are testifying tomorrow this is an important watch. You can see it here:
Wait, they tossed that nonsense already? I'm trying to watch the thing but my computer volume stinks and half these folks are sitting too far from the microphone.
The info session was very interesting. The serious elk discussion starts around 1:10. They are already throwing out one of the major proposals on changing the limited entry to general on private because of the firestorm of public comment. If you are testifying tomorrow this is an important watch. You can see it here:
Worsech says is the reason he asked for these changes was to, “Get people talking“. It’s at 1:19

Worsech says is the reason he asked for these changes was to, “Get people talking“. It’s at 1:19

I think he said the same thing to you, @Gerald Martin and I in the capitol. It’s funny how all his “conversation starters” are a privatization and Texas style of wildlife management.
Wait, they tossed that nonsense already? I'm trying to watch the thing but my computer volume stinks and half these folks are sitting too far from the microphone.
If I'm not nuts, did Jana Waller finally speak up with statements like "Let's squash that right away." and "We don't want that lack of trust from the public?" I know a lot of folks have doubted her appointment, but that was refreshing to hear.
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