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MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

Really weird that different meetings are seeming to have different info or potential changes. Is the message just evolving as they carry it around the state?
Politics = Tell people what they want to hear to get their support and then go and do what you wanted to originally regardless of what they wanted.
Last day to comment is tomorrow.

I attended the region 3 meeting, which was 3 hours long, and subsequently lost my notes from it.

I think it is worth Montanans' time to support the changes you see that you like, and oppose those ya don't. You can do that here:

Thought this was a well written commentary on the future of Montana hunting.

Thought this was a well written commentary on the future of Montana hunting.

Not the day it ended, but certainly the day we sped up the trend.

Some Elk B License holders will have extended season in select west-central Montana districts​

MISSOULA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials extended the elk hunting season through Jan. 15, 2022, for holders of certain unfilled, antlerless Elk B Licenses that are valid in portions of west-central Montana, in FWP Region 2.

Low elk harvest during the general hunting season, which will end on Sunday, Nov. 28, prompted the seven-week extension in places where elk populations are over objective and elk tend to congregate and cause private land damage over the winter months.

The Elk B License numbers and hunting districts (HDs) for which the season is extended through Jan. 15 are 213-01 (HD 213), 215-02 (HD 215), 262-01 (HD 204) and 291-03 (HD 291). Hunters were awarded one of these special licenses through a drawing earlier this year, and 262-01 was available over the counter prior to the start of the season. No licenses are available for purchase now.

The 262-01 Elk B License already has an extension in HD 260 for archery and HD 262 for rifle until Jan. 15, 2022, per the existing regulations. This season extension allows those with a 262-01 license to hunt on private lands in HD 204 until Jan. 15. HD 261 and 270 are not extended.

The B Licenses are almost exclusively valid on private lands, and in some cases, on adjoining DNRC lands outside the National Forest boundary. DNRC lands within FWP Wildlife Management Areas are specifically closed to the extended elk season. Regulations that governed the use of these Elk B Licenses during the general season will continue to be enforced in the extended season. Hunters, landowners and other interested parties are advised to closely review the 2021 Montana Deer, Elk and Antelope Hunting Regulations for specifics.

Because these B Licenses are valid primarily on private lands, hunters are reminded to secure permission with landowners. Some Block Management Areas (BMAs) may not be available for the extended season. Check online for updated BMA information before heading out:

So simplification is the goal? It seems elk hit the pivots (shocking, I know) and the war on elk get extended.
But wait, there's more!

Sportsmen should forever deny this rebranding. Such a BS move. I will not refer to these are "early" or "late" seasons. These are shoulder seasons on public land, regardless of if shortened and that is what I will refer to them as forevermore.

Those 2015 season setting meetings and the concerns and promises voiced within them regarding shoulder seasons are as clear as day in my mind, and it has forever jaded my thinking on slippery slopes, and I will never be as charitable again.
Sportsmen should forever deny this rebranding. Such a BS move. I will not refer to these are "early" or "late" seasons. These are shoulder seasons on public land, regardless of if shortened.

Those 2015 season setting meetings and the concerns and promises voiced within them regarding shoulder seasons are as clear as day in my mind, and it has forever jaded my thinking on slippery slopes, and I will never be as charitable again.

I mean, I think we were sitting next to each other at that meeting in Helena.

But yeah, this is just the same shit, different sock. December commission meeting is coming up. I hope folks are planning on attending. I know MWF is doing outreach to get folks to attend and politely express their displeasure with this.
So....can we politely riot or is that also a no?
After getting off the phone with a warden about ebike issues, I'm pretty ready for some better news. It's been a rough season to say the least 😂

I'd be emailing or calling your commissioners and politely explain why you are unhappy with this move. Certainly some of them will not be open to hearing your concerns, but I think it's important for advocates to remain positive and polite in your discussions with folks. Letting that anger, justifiable as it is, be the main message means closed ears otherwise.
"I respectfully disagree with your garbage rebranding of shoulder seasons. Stop ignoring the will of the people. This is a disgrace. This is bull....."

Yeah I think my rough draft needs some work 😂

I saw maybe 8 cows on public land this year while hunting and it's sad to think that they may be killed for an "experiment" to see if letting cows on public land be harvested will help reduce their populations to socially acceptable levels. I understand that different regions and even units have different needs and ecosystems but it seems like overall shoulder seasons do not have any benefits and just caused way more problems.

Talking to certain landowners that do allow access, I understand the want to get all the animals off their property but there has to be a balance somewhere.
Talking to hunters in the field, I can see the frustration but it seems the solutions are misguided. To complain about not seeing elk anymore but wanting to shoot cows on public just boggled my mind. It's not sustainable and I think that's something we need to think about for the future.
Hopefully us hunters can rally together and get that information out there.

Some Elk B License holders will have extended season in select west-central Montana districts​

MISSOULA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials extended the elk hunting season through Jan. 15, 2022, for holders of certain unfilled, antlerless Elk B Licenses that are valid in portions of west-central Montana, in FWP Region 2.

Low elk harvest during the general hunting season, which will end on Sunday, Nov. 28, prompted the seven-week extension in places where elk populations are over objective and elk tend to congregate and cause private land damage over the winter months.

The Elk B License numbers and hunting districts (HDs) for which the season is extended through Jan. 15 are 213-01 (HD 213), 215-02 (HD 215), 262-01 (HD 204) and 291-03 (HD 291). Hunters were awarded one of these special licenses through a drawing earlier this year, and 262-01 was available over the counter prior to the start of the season. No licenses are available for purchase now.

The 262-01 Elk B License already has an extension in HD 260 for archery and HD 262 for rifle until Jan. 15, 2022, per the existing regulations. This season extension allows those with a 262-01 license to hunt on private lands in HD 204 until Jan. 15. HD 261 and 270 are not extended.

The B Licenses are almost exclusively valid on private lands, and in some cases, on adjoining DNRC lands outside the National Forest boundary. DNRC lands within FWP Wildlife Management Areas are specifically closed to the extended elk season. Regulations that governed the use of these Elk B Licenses during the general season will continue to be enforced in the extended season. Hunters, landowners and other interested parties are advised to closely review the 2021 Montana Deer, Elk and Antelope Hunting Regulations for specifics.

Because these B Licenses are valid primarily on private lands, hunters are reminded to secure permission with landowners. Some Block Management Areas (BMAs) may not be available for the extended season. Check online for updated BMA information before heading out:

So simplification is the goal? It seems elk hit the pivots (shocking, I know) and the war on elk get extended.
I got a 262. Dead cow. mtmuley
It’s sad to say, but I’m surprised it wasn’t worse. I was half expecting an extended season valid for bulls like the Madison Valley and a few other areas were in 2008.
It’s sad to say, but I’m surprised it wasn’t worse. I was half expecting an extended season valid for bulls like the Madison Valley and a few other areas were in 2008.
I honestly had that same exact thought when I began reading the article. I briefly thought bulls were going to be allowed to be harvested. Thankfully that wasn't the case but kind of sad that was the first thought.