MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

I believe Worsech has blinders impairing his ability to actually listen (see) to the quality content expressed. Commissioners seem to be feeling it and pulling aside theirs to see what the f-k is stinging so badly.
Great to see the mobilized public hunter actually casting a shadow on the great new FWP vision. It's a refreshing scene for a change regardless the length it lives.
I believe Worsech has blinders impairing his ability to actually listen (see) to the quality content expressed. Commissioners seem to be feeling it and pulling aside theirs to see what the f-k is stinging so badly.
Great to see the mobilized public hunter actually casting a shadow on the great new FWP vision. It's a refreshing scene for a change regardless the length it lives.
The blinders are his butt cheeks.

From what I can tell some districts (e.g. 580) will still lose LE so make sure it is known this is a bad idea for all districts. I’ll be on the road so good luck
He worked for outfitters and then spent time with landowner relations and in licensing; I always thought that background seemed an odd choice to lead the agency. Carrying water for landowners and outfitters seems to be his reason for selection
@Big Fin mentioned at the 1:32 mark.

Sounds like Randy has been throwing stones and it’s time for him to live in a glass house….or something like that.

I can’t watch this at bedtime
Agreed. A pretty jaw dropping statement. I was surprised though, and somewhat encouraged, by the flak directed at Worsech from a number of the commissioners. They are hearing what we are saying.
If I'm not nuts, did Jana Waller finally speak up with statements like "Let's squash that right away." and "We don't want that lack of trust from the public?" I know a lot of folks have doubted her appointment, but that was refreshing to hear.
She must have read my message (and likely that of many) in pointing to the potential degradation of trust in the Commission.
It is refreshing to think someone is listening.
She must have read my message (and likely that of many) in pointing to the potential degradation of trust in the Commission.
It is refreshing to think someone is listening.
When thousands of messages are coming in, it's unlikely they read very many. How could they? You've got to make the SUBJ line clear so they at least know what it's all about. Mine was "Opposition to Worsech elk proposal" That's all they need to see, when they're getting blasted by the public. My message was civil, used the word "please". And reminded them that we were counting on them.
Interesting. What makes you believe this is politics?

Many folks that have spoken wit the director have been told that his job is to implement the Governor's agenda.

These proposals are all coming from political organizations that spend a lot of time, energy & money working to elect one party.

The backed up orgy of bills that were killed either at the Governor's office or during the session are now becoming proposals to the commission.

it's all political, and that has to change.
When thousands of messages are coming in, it's unlikely they read very many. How could they? You've got to make the SUBJ line clear so they at least know what it's all about. Mine was "Opposition to Worsech elk proposal" That's all they need to see, when they're getting blasted by the public. My message was civil, used the word "please". And reminded them that we were counting on them.

It's like we don't even know you anymore.
Does FWP director work at the governor or commission discretion? Or could either ask him to leave?

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