MT 2018 MSG Draw Results

I’m sure there’s some folks fortunate enough to draw that would be happy to share camp & hunt with Randy(include myself here). Im guessing Randy has very little difficulty filling his schedule with hunts as it is. These tags are for all intents and purposes once in a life time. I never dreamt of drawing my sheep tag...EVER. Yet here I am. I will enjoy every bit of it and will never put in for this tag again. It’s an amazing feeling to draw the tag, I don’t hold others to my belief in this, but I only deserve the tag once. I’m going to enjoy it for what it is. Good luck to those that drew & thanks to those willing to share their knowledge.
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No permits for me but my brother in law drew a 314-20 Mtn Goat tag so I'm just as excited for him as I would be if I drew it. Will be fun experiencing the hunt this season with him. Of course he drew a maybe once in a life time tag this year because he is the only one in our hunting group with a pregnant wife that has a due date the end of September lol. Good luck to everyone that drew a tag of a life time. I hope you are all successful in your pursuit and have an amazing experience you will never forget! Good luck to everyone else in the drawings next year!
Nothing like a pregnancy to tip the drawing odds in your favor! When my wife drew her moose tag last fall, I asked her if I should pick up a preg test just to be sure. Every other special tag she had drawn she was pregnant. Turned out she wasn't last fall. Must have been an outlier.:)
Sincere congratulations to all those who drew. Here's wishing you the best and the hunt of your dreams! Good luck and share your stories this winter.

I must say the striking out starts to get really old somewhere between the second and third decade of doing it. Just the other day my neighbor and I were wondering how many "mountain goat years" we have left in us physically and even started talking about the possibility of a guided hunt in Alaska or Canada within a few years. Neither one of us will be very happy if we end up having to pay big bucks to fly somewhere else just to hunt the same animals we have right here in our own county.
Nothing like a pregnancy to tip the drawing odds in your favor! When my wife drew her moose tag last fall, I asked her if I should pick up a preg test just to be sure. Every other special tag she had drawn she was pregnant. Turned out she wasn't last fall. Must have been an outlier.:)

Haha ya no doubt. We all said when applying that he would be the one to draw something for that reason lol. Contemplating whether I should employ the pregnant wife strategy for next years draw hmmm.:confused:
Anyone ever have that excited, yet sick feeling? You won the lottery, but you're not exactly sure what you've won? I'll briefly explain. This year (based on a suggestion from an unnamed party), I switched hunting districts for moose. You guessed it, I drew the tag. I am excited to be able to hunt moose, but the area is a long drive from my hometown and an area I've never hunted. I will be taking quite a few road trips to scout this year. I may be asking a few of the experts on here from some tips. :)
Anyone else notice we have not heard from Big Fin yet. Is this the year he is sheep hunting in the Breaks?

Boy, that would be great. But, no such luck. Been on the road six of the last seven days and haven't had much time to check in. Get home tonight and happy to get a break from travel.

Yes, the walleye bite is on.

And congratulations to all who drew. Happy for all of you.
Fin can i pick your brain sometime this summer/fall on the yellowstone bison hunt?
After 20 years of trying I drew a moose tag. I got one of two bull tags for 285-50 Blackfoot Seeley Lake area. If anybody has had this tag, I would take some advice. Thanks.
For once, I know someone who drew a MT sheep tag. 16 years old no less. Not sure why all you old guys don't just draw the tags you want like the young kids.
Haha consider it done. I'll shoot the wolves my uncle can shoot the moose its his tag.
If anyone has hunted HD 214 (Georgetown/Storm lake area) or has any intel they are willing to share for moose, shoot me a PM.
If anyone has hunted HD 214 (Georgetown/Storm lake area) or has any intel they are willing to share for moose, shoot me a PM.

I was driving behind two motorcyclists that almost hit one near the twin lakes turn a couple years ago!!
Scared them pretty bad.
have heard of a few lucky friends drawing. One friend accidentally applied for moose with the -00 instead of the -50, a cow permit and drew with 4% draw odds. That's BAD luck. He's not signing the blues too bad, he'd already taken all 3 MSG in MT.
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