Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Mr Newberg

I'm guessing the unnamed FORMER game warden must have been fired or something and has an axe to grind.
He is all for primitive hunting yet has a scope on his muzzle loader? I think MT would be just fine if he went back across the Mississippi river and stayed there
How do you even know there is a Game Warden, past or present, that even made a statement like was quoted when no name is mentioned to follow up on?! This Toby Bridges guy sounds like a real douchebag!
While I enjoy the entertainment value of Fresh Tracks and Meat Eater, the education by word and deed is very valuable. Its not just yucking it up and having a good ol boy time, but you can tell that there is studied, thoughtful positions being taken to a level beyond the hosts themselves when regarding the environment, wildlife management, and governmental policy issues. I'm sure that there is a fine line/tightrope being walked when shooting/editing each episode to provide both the true to life hunt, as well as provide the aforementioned education.

Those folks mentioned in the OP link all seem to be thinkers, movers and doers in today's outdoor world. I am glad to (internet) know one of them away from the TV screen, and from where I sit, is the real deal.

Somehow missed this thread.......was out bow hunting for 3 months! You can say that again, I truly cannot stand the abundance of good ol' boys yucking it up shows while there's so much work to be done.

Most of you have no idea, but behind the scenes Randy helped shoot down the brazen public land trophy tag theft that was AZ HB2072 in March 2012. On one day's notice he evaluated the financial records of the special interest group pushing that bill, and forwarded me the info, which I included in the data provided to Crystal Cruz KTVK Phoenix, who ultimately ran 3 TV articles which shut down that bill pronto. That bill was about as big of an attack on the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation as you could get.

Congrats on the article and keep up the good work Randy. Very much enjoy watching your shows and the message they deliver.
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I missed it too. I have not been looking at a lot of the forum topics. Randy is passionate about reversing the trends that have been slowly rotting our hunting image and opportunities. I just got back from the SHOT show and spent some time with him and a couple of his business buds. There was a lot of talk about what is going on and how to reverse them. It is sad that some things are going to be tough when you have networks and ORGS that are clueless or afraid to muzzle those making things go sour.
As far as the TV shows out there, I understand that some viewers like the redneck, noise making, boob flaunting type of thing but it gets old with the real die hard hunters.
It is interesting how things have changed in a few years. Randy could not air the video of how to do the gutless method and now some shows look like a horror flick for shock value. My view on some things have changed too, maybe with age for all I know. But I do know is that if hunters have the "If they don't like it F##K them" attitude it will be a losing battle with the voting base of those who do not hunt. Hunters need to choose wisely the places to do battle and be educated on what those things are otherwise we will be caught in a "strangle hold"
I will add that it was nice to see how long the line was for the meet and greet with Randy at the Leupold area during SHOT. I cruised thorough that area a number of times and I saw other meet and greet sessions with far smaller lines. It is good to know that TV viewers are liking a guy who runs a class act rather than an ass act. Now if more networks and sponsors could take notice.
I will add that it was nice to see how long the line was for the meet and greet with Randy at the Leupold area during SHOT. I cruised thorough that area a number of times and I saw other meet and greet sessions with far smaller lines. It is good to know that TV viewers are liking a guy who runs a class act rather than an ass act. Now if more networks and sponsors could take notice.
Last time I was at a 'show" Randy waited in line to talk to me! :D Really he did. Got a few weird look from the other guy at the booth when he asked for Pointer...
One of the things I like most about Randy and the show is that they don't pretent that hunting is a slam dunk like a lot of the other shows. He hunts public land like the rest of us It is. It is tough going.
Four years ago my bro in AZ had a an elk tag in the exact same area that Randy and uncle Larry hunted. Then Randy himself a few years later.
We hunted 6 days before seeing any elk and getting on a bull.
This year bro had the same tag and we hunted for 9 days before seeing any elk and finally getting a good bull.
So I guess he doesn't mind working as hard as the rest of us even if he is a celebrity.
......... I just got back from the SHOT show and spent some time with him and a couple of his business buds. There was a lot of talk about what is going on and how to reverse them. It is sad that some things are going to be tough when you have networks and ORGS that are clueless or afraid to muzzle those making things go sour.

......My view on some things have changed too, maybe with age for all I know. But I do know is that if hunters have the "If they don't like it F##K them" attitude it will be a losing battle with the voting base of those who do not hunt. Hunters need to choose wisely the places to do battle and be educated on what those things are otherwise we will be caught in a "strangle hold"

It's a good thing I was not able to access my computer Thursday morning following that onstage tirade. Emotion may have dictated my reply more than passion.

I'll try to respond in a more sensible manner when I've collected my thoughts. Just too dumbfounded by the folks who feel untouchable and when given a mic for 7 minutes do all they can to red line of duche bag meter. Still steamed about that. I heard the "Race to be dumber than Honey Boo Boo" presentation was also provided the following evening at that event, just with a few less F-bombs. I did not know the F-word could be used as a noun, verb, adjective, and conjunction, but evidently I hang out with the wrong crowd.
I've met Randy and Renella at separate BHA events. One was very nice had beers and talked with everyone and was a pleasure to be around. I was happy to give him a ride to his motel after the event. The other was standoffish with a tinge of arrogance and gave many other people at the event the same I'm here for a good cause but leave me alone attitude. I think both are great spokesmen for our sport but Randy is the only one I'd like to have beers with again. Thanks Randy for all you do.
I can't comment on the other guy but i can on Randy, and thought i would share the conversation i had with a fellow hunter in the UK.
We started chatting on what we have hunted, where, and what we would like to hunt.
I mentioned i had some success in Montana, and it was a direct result of making friends on this forum.
He stated he 'lurks' on this forum but was a great fan of OYOA and Fresh Tracks, he was well aware of the hard work Randy does in relation to protecting the rights of public land hunters.
He then questioned what Randy was like in person, 'i expect he is totally different in the flesh, maybe a little up himself like other tv figures can be?' so i replied i had met Randy in the flesh, he was taken aback, in his words 'you have met a legend!' so i was more than happy to enlighten him, i can say hand on heart Randy is exactly as you see him on the TV, a very genuine, friendly guy, and generous, he bought me a cup of coffee!
So there you are Randy, you are famous in the UK!
I will get the drinks when i come back over.

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