Mr. Newberg goes to Washington

Wow, doesn't take long for groups in this city to get their reports filed. Just got a cab back to the airport.

Funny to see the words media picks up on while you are visiting with staffers who ask questions. I remember answering something about "waking people up" when some folks were asking me calling questions after the event.

Was a good event to see three Senators, the Secretary of Interior, and staff members of many other Senators attend this celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. By the time it was over, their was no doubt that the folks in DC knew that hunters are in support of reauthorization of this program.

Before and after the event was spent meeting with Senators one on one. Was very interesting to hear the perspectives some have, that raise questions about public lands and the future of a program like LWCF that is focused on improving public land access.

Some Senators are true supporters. Some, support because their constituents are avid hunters. Some would support, but have not heard from their constituents. Fortunately, it is only a minority who just don't see the value of public lands.

I feel it was well worth the effort to fly here and give the perspective of hunters. One thing all the Senators/staffs commented on is how they listen to sportsmen, as usually sportsmen don't give them a party line, rather give them the real core of the discussion. As one said, "When I hear from sportsmen, I use those opinions as gauge of reasonableness. They are very independent in their thinking and not inclined to be swayed by party rhetoric on either side."

I did meet with one Senator whose office looks like a "man cave." Two Euro mounts of bull elk he has taken, one bleached out bear skull, two Euros of Coues Deer bucks, and a lot of other "critter art." I got the story behind just about everyone of them, the same as if I was asking any of you about critters you may have on the wall. No politics, just hunting.

Never did I expect a US Senator's office to have such decor. Needless to say, Senator Heinrich and I talked hunting for longer than his staff would have liked. He asked me some questions about specific episodes he had watched that were filmed in his state of New Mexico. He hunts a lot, and for him, it is almost exclusively public land hunting. Definitely an advocate for public land sportsmen.

Leaving the humidity, crowds, and craziness of this city and headed back to the fair land of Montana. Worth the visit, but hanging out here is not something I would care to do as my daily life.
Well done Randy and thank you for all the work you do for conservation, hunting, and public lands.
Thank you for your hard work on all of our behalf. This is the reason I hang out here, lots of great people!
Thank you Randy. I cant help but remember the movie with the filibustering. Now I have an image in my head of Randy doing that bugling. :)
That is some serious dedication to the cause to fly all the way out there. Thanks!
Cool stuff! Thank you Randy! I always wonder how hard it would be to battle nerves in front of an audience like that.
Thanks Randy! I'm glad you have the platform to be able to advocate for all of us like that.
That bugle is used to call in Bull Elk, I wonder if it also works on Bull chitters? That place is a target rich environment for that type of hunting.

Thanks for your efforts, we all benefit by your dedication.
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