Mr. Newberg goes to Washington

Kudos Randy. We are counting on you and Ben Lamb, et al., to keep us up to speed about what we can do to get the Land and Water Conservation Fund reauthorized. It is clearly one of the most important chores on the national front we have this coming year.
THANK YOU Randy! Its great to have an advocate like you on OUR side. Your trip and efforts are greatly appreciated! If you ever want to get out of the tax / tv hosting business, you have a wonderful knack for public speaking (with the use of no teleprompters). Great job!

PS...hope you disinfected thoroughly before you came back to MT so that none of the DC filth made it back to this great state :) LOL
Well done, Randy. A close friend shared a quote with me the other day that sportsmen should take to heart:

"There are incredible amounts of money being spent to influence decisions in Washington. And the joke in
Washington is if you're not at the table, you're what's for lunch. Don't pretend you care about saving the world
if you can't find your own member of Congress."

- Former Pennsylvania U.S. Rep. Jim Greenwood, in opening remarks to scientists at the North American
Congress for Conservation Biology conference that began Monday at the University of Montana in Missoula.
Thanks for all the kind comments. As Mrs. Fin can attest, I'm a pretty laid back guy, until you step in something that I hold near and dear. Then, Randy has a completely different personality. No amount of money, love, threats, or bribes will deter me when I feel passionate about a cause. LWCF and protecting public lands are "near and dear" causes that get me wound up.

Wish I knew how to politely push more folks with big platforms to get involved in these causes. Maybe I need to be less worried about the "politely" part.

I will admit to being disappointed in how I see outdoor media being disengaged on these important topics, and in the process, I feel they are letting down hunters on these public land topics. When I say "outdoor media" I'm speaking of everyone from the TV guys, the well known writers, the bloggers, and others who have benefited from large platforms that hunters look to for information, news, and entertainment.

Begs the question, if not now and not this issue, "When is it time and what is the issue that will spur folks into using their platforms to give back; to advocate for those causes most important to the future of hunting?"

Hunting provides so much to many who are provided big platforms from which to speak; Bully Pulpits if you will. Yet, most are afraid of conflict, not inclined to stick their necks out, or are just disengaged in the topics that affect hunting.

That is not acceptable to me. Someday, when I am no longer allowed/wanted on TV I will speak my real thoughts on this pattern of most TV guys hiding behind the cameras, receiving lots and giving little.

I am told by some that their sponsors are chicken shit and discourage their people from speaking out on anything that might be slightly controversial. Lucky for me, when Leupold, Federal, and many of my other sponsors see posts or tweets about my involvement in these topics, they re-post/re-tweet them. Maybe I am unique in having sponsors who "get it" to the degree my sponsors "get it." They continually ask me to keep at it; that they have my back. And that is a large part of why we have a relationship.

Sorry for the rant. Probably out of line on my part. Just tired of seeing those who benefit greatly from hunting sit quiet, and at times, buddy up with those most dangerous to the cause of public land hunters. Time and circumstance call for more, hopefully more will be given.

"To those whom much is given, much is expected." ........ John F. Kennedy
What you listed about Heinrich is the only plus I have seen from him as a Senator.

Kudos for you to heading into the lions den and speaking up for us.
I imagine a long, hot shower is needed after being that close to D.C. power brokers. Appreciate your willingness to spend your valuable time fighting a battle for literally millions of us who are too ignorant in the ways of D.C. or lazy. Is there something we can do (keep in mind the ignorant and lazy aspects) to amplify your recent meetings? Is there a method of contacting certain persons that works best? Do we mention pending legislation? I can write, call, Facebook, tweet, etc if someone could help steer the short bus I ride through life on.
Thank you Randy. I see that it is again time to take pen (or email) in hand and petition the government for redress of grievances.
Thank you Randy! It's good to hear that you have sponsors that don't tell you want to say. I for one will make an extra effort to buy products from your sponsors and tell them why. A full list of your sponsors would be great for us forum members.
Well done and well said, Big Fin. The TV/ media folks that that view the sporting tradition as a business, or " industry" , as some of them call it, never take a position or speak up because it might be bad for business. Best show, best sponsors, best host, Fresh Tracks , every time.
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