Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Mountain Goats- The Hunt of a Lifetime

I should probably explain a bit so I don't mislead anyone about the mount or raise unreasonable expectations for taxidermists.

The face on my goat was totally trashed as you could see from my pictures. Through networking with other taxidermists we were able to find a similar sized cape from British Columbia. It just so happened that the other cape had been ruined from the ears back. My goats cape was fine from the ears back. My taxidermist was able to do a great job of matching up the parts. Unless you pull the hair back to see the stitches you'd never be able to see it.
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Wow, you owe that taxi more than the original cost of the mount. That was a hunt of a lifetime...congratulations to you and your hunting partners.
Great story and some darn nice taxi work. Its amazing what some of them can do. A wilderness goat hunt is way up on my list of hunts to get done soon.
Great story!!!!! Chasing goats in goat country will put your nads up in your throat a few times... I tagged along on a buddies hunt and know the disappointment of being 'cliffed out'. He was lucky in that the goat didn't fall off any cliffs. But the pack out took over 8 hours and I would call myself anything but lucky about half way through that! ;)
Very cool, great story and great animal. Congrats, and beautiful work by your taxidermist.
That story was great, really made me think more seriously about trying harder to draw a goat hunt. And I'd bet that even with your optimism you never would have guessed that your taxidermist couldn't pulled all that off. Congrats on the goat, and great job selecting a taxi.
Thanks for taking the time to share the story so well. Congrats on a great hunt and trophy!
Thanks for taking the time to share the story and photos. Sounds like a really fun hunt.
Congrats on a great trophy. Like everyone else thanks for taking the time to post and share in the hunt.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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