New member
Here are a few more photos of the area we hunt. just some general info stuff and some amusing pictures.
Baby crock in a pond there were at least 50 in here a month ago but the big guys ate most of them!
A giraffe family group, the baby is just out of the photo
Ostrich head, she was about 20 feet away and not at all happy with us being there.
is an ostrich dangerous game? When they do this and you are within kicking distance you better believe they are!

Baby crock in a pond there were at least 50 in here a month ago but the big guys ate most of them!

A giraffe family group, the baby is just out of the photo

Ostrich head, she was about 20 feet away and not at all happy with us being there.

is an ostrich dangerous game? When they do this and you are within kicking distance you better believe they are!