Yeti GOBOX Collection

Moosie's Misfits

ALRIGHT.. Here's the Developement.... I said it needed to be Cartoony.... We started with this :


We (as if I had anything to do with it
) went to the Logo Combining shapes and Ideas and Text styles And it wa a page like this :


We then Got the Version 2.1 of the Logo... Grant it it might not be the Final Version, there are 2 others in the Works, And I also got a few comments from "MY GUYS" that it was a yote and Not a moose.... BUt since Yotes are "Misfits"
I might slide on it this time ....

HERE ya go.. Any thoughts ?!?!?!


Needs work,looks like a friggin' cocker spaniel,not a coyote! I never have seen a coyote with a square bottom jaw before,I'm surprised Delw didn't catch that,him being such a seasoned veteran of every friggin' thing on the planet and all.

I thought you had something,I wouldn't wipe my **s with this!

Sorry oscar,better than I could do,but definitely not anything I'd purchase.
LMAO seldom.....

The reason the cocker has a square jaw was cause He was running at 1000 yards and I hit the front part of the jaw with a 50 cal BMG...
you will also notice that he is missing a few front teeth also due to the incindiaries I used in the 50bmg....

Geeeshh.... ONE hour of work and GOT bashed !!!! I have 2.2 and 2.3 ready but I might have to wait until tomorrow to make sure it's ready...

I feel like a Bill Gates releasing a new Version of Windows to share with someone before it was Quite finished......

PS, If you think that bothered me your wrong
(It's a cartoon figure)

PSS, Why isn't my wife calling for lunch ?!?! I'm starving !!!
I think it looks more like one of those nasty rat critters from the Walt Disney Cartoon..the one with the little mouse in Paris....

Can't do Wiley because of the copyright laws... but his cousin Harvey would probably work.. You know the coyote with the snaggle tooth and the floppy ear...

I could say I am going to lock or move the post, but I am not.... if anyone else does thats fine.

I will leave it alone and you guys can personally attack each other(not in a sexual nature)...

The full moon is almost gone and things will settle down and posting will be back to normal...

I see you guys are just like me and love to get the last word in... there is always email for this....

I can see where this thread will be going so dont say I didnt warn ya..... no no one is going to get banned but I bet it will be lock by someone other than me.....

Just minor chit - more space between the yote and the words, make the www the same size/text as the, maybe a bit more lip curl to show some upper fang in a sneer.

See - I can't draw fer chit, but I sure can Monday morning quareterback...
the O's are suposed to be moons... An Idea We kicked around for days ( or min's
) whe WWW (Not wwww) can be fixed or Even dropped. www is a given anymore.

A paw was added cuz I think It's cool.

The lip I'm not pictureing ? Maybe It's my lack of thee Furry things
(going to get kicked for that comment). We looked at 50+ pictures of Yotes and they don't have CRAP for a bottom Jaw. real Small and Slender. Could ya Sketch up something like you think (We won't do it but thanx
OHH the space thing, It would be better but on a hat there is Limited Space. We tried to MAximize the effect without jepordising size... We also Kicked around the Ida or 2 yotes Mirrored on the Logo....

I like the Backwards "S" in Misfit's
I am not an adv. major, but I know what I would wear and wouldn't and the second one looks pretty cool to me.

later pup
Pup, Thanx for the Compliment.

I'm not a "adv. major" either, jsut a hunter like you and we are the ones that matter ... RIGHT ?
Moosie,I'll send you a photo of my coyote when my wife gets home,it's a full body mount.The lower jaw is only about a half inch shorter than the upper,if even that.I think Cali H means for you to lift the upper lip in a snarl,and expose a few upper teeth,just like a dog would ?

I'll send some close ups of the head,ok ?
pussy yote ? Sounds like a disease or something.....

Didja hear,Maude has pussy yote,they are putting her on antibiotics and painkillers as we speak.....
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