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Minneapolis Veterans Hospital run with turkeys


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2020
Crossed the border Tuesday and drove to Minneapolis VA Hospital for my Johnsons vax. This was the meet and greet crew in the parking lot. Getting vaccinated up here has become a royal shitshow. After the govt decided to move urban indigenous peoples to the head of the line I decided that was too much. I called VA and had my file moved from Great Falls to Minneapolis so I could take up their vax offer made back in March. It was a battle getting back into Canada (US accepted me with open arms and much gratitude) even though I drove straight down and back and had a clean COVID test before leaving the hospital (also free of charge ... thank you all very much!). Now I'm stuck in the house for two weeks and have to self test twice during quarantine (at Canada's expense). I can understand hassling snowbirds and visitors flying into the country for tourism (govt is talking about a fourth wave now). But I left Canada to get immunized! To help stop the virus. I drove twelve hours essentially nonstop (arriving home at 5:45 a.m.) and paid for my own gas. Risked my life driving through scores of deer in the headlights while overdosed on coffee so someone else in the city can get their vaccination sooner ... someday. You'd think the govt could show me a little gratitude and cut some slack. Nope. Them's the rules! A bummer but at least I'm now vaccinated.

A very special thanks to the staff at the VA hospital. What a great bunch. Maintenance must pump laughing gas into the ventilation system. Everyone was super pleasant and helpful. Your tax dollars well spent!

PS: While sitting in the hospital waiting room to ensure no allergic reaction post shot, I checked the news on my phone and learned Ontario govt just shelved all the Astra-Zenica vaccine. That's all they were giving out in my city. So who knows when I would have received my shot here! Govt is toying with mixing the stuff with other brands as second dose to use up stockpile. Ummm ... I don't think so! Glad I'm done with it! Turned out to be a very smart move. And I've had no reaction at all to Johnsons vax. Not after three days anyway.
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There are corner turkeys all over here in south Minneapolis. The only shiestier gang in the citty is raccoon gang.
Next time you're down there bring the fishing rod. Walleye time at the base of Ford Dam.
Next time you're down there bring the fishing rod. Walleye time at the base of Ford Dam.
Well, if I'd known Canada would hassle me so badly on my return I would have taken a day or two to go shopping and maybe fishing. Make it worth the trouble. Just kidding. This damn pandemic is no joking matter. I should be fully immune by the time my quarantine is up on 28th and then good to go fishing or whatever. I'll continue to wear a mask because it will be months before they make headway on vaccine here and I don't want other folks thinking I'm some kind of inconsiderate jerk. No sense in advertising it.
Next time you're down there bring the fishing rod. Walleye time at the base of Ford Dam.
Oh???? I was there earlier in the year and didn't catch a thing, but I also suck at fishing. What are you using?
Oh???? I was there earlier in the year and didn't catch a thing, but I also suck at fishing. What are you using?

When I was in grad school we fished below Ford dam a few times in 2010/2011. Caught some walleyes on rapalas, baited jigs, and spinners with night crawlers. Enjoyed fishing with the nightcrawlers because it seemed like we caught a lot of random species.
Oh???? I was there earlier in the year and didn't catch a thing, but I also suck at fishing. What are you using?
Haven't lived in the area for 8 years but there are big walleye down there. Usually fished from a boat. Jig and a minnow. I believe it's open to fishing year round but it's also catch and release. You might check that info out as it may have changed.
Water heater started leaking last night. No plumber will come to the place because I'm still stuck in this silly quarantine. They won't risk a fine and no one seems to know who to call for an exemption. Health dept says it's the border people's responsibility and border people give me the foreman salute (shoulder shrug). So I disconnected it today and hauled it up the basement stairs myself. Probably didn't do my hernia much good. Home Depot delivers a new one tomorrow. I installed this one myself 17 years ago so I can handle the job. But it's now against bylaw to do any plumbing yourself. So which law should I obey? I vote for self installation: federal emergency measure trumps city bylaw. Seems this quarantine is gonna save me some money. Not often red tape can be made to work for taxpayer's benefit. Chalk one up for the little guy.
Water heater started leaking last night. No plumber will come to the place because I'm still stuck in this silly quarantine. They won't risk a fine and no one seems to know who to call for an exemption. Health dept says it's the border people's responsibility and border people give me the foreman salute (shoulder shrug). So I disconnected it today and hauled it up the basement stairs myself. Probably didn't do my hernia much good. Home Depot delivers a new one tomorrow. I installed this one myself 17 years ago so I can handle the job. But it's now against bylaw to do any plumbing yourself. So which law should I obey? I vote for self installation: federal emergency measure trumps city bylaw. Seems this quarantine is gonna save me some money. Not often red tape can be made to work for taxpayer's benefit. Chalk one up for the little guy.
That is insane. You can't sweat a pipe for yourself legally??
Water heater started leaking last night. No plumber will come to the place because I'm still stuck in this silly quarantine. They won't risk a fine and no one seems to know who to call for an exemption. Health dept says it's the border people's responsibility and border people give me the foreman salute (shoulder shrug). So I disconnected it today and hauled it up the basement stairs myself. Probably didn't do my hernia much good. Home Depot delivers a new one tomorrow. I installed this one myself 17 years ago so I can handle the job. But it's now against bylaw to do any plumbing yourself. So which law should I obey? I vote for self installation: federal emergency measure trumps city bylaw. Seems this quarantine is gonna save me some money. Not often red tape can be made to work for taxpayer's benefit. Chalk one up for the little guy.
That's why I live out in the country. No "codes". I can do whatever I like with my home. I do my own electrical, plumbing and AC work and whatever repairs I can.
That is insane. You can't sweat a pipe for yourself legally??
Replaced my gas (LP) water heater (almost $400!) last year. The hardest part was getting the old one drained enough I could haul it outside!
No sweated fittings. All pipe thread. Two to three wraps of teflon tape and you're in "bidness".
Second hardest part was reconnecting the gas without a leak and the flue.

Righty righty, lefty loosy!
Tighter ain't always better.
Live by the phrase, "Cleverly tight!"

All my plumbing is PEX.
Water heater started leaking last night. No plumber will come to the place because I'm still stuck in this silly quarantine. They won't risk a fine and no one seems to know who to call for an exemption. Health dept says it's the border people's responsibility and border people give me the foreman salute (shoulder shrug). So I disconnected it today and hauled it up the basement stairs myself. Probably didn't do my hernia much good. Home Depot delivers a new one tomorrow. I installed this one myself 17 years ago so I can handle the job. But it's now against bylaw to do any plumbing yourself. So which law should I obey? I vote for self installation: federal emergency measure trumps city bylaw. Seems this quarantine is gonna save me some money. Not often red tape can be made to work for taxpayer's benefit. Chalk one up for the little guy.
Come back to the states! Canada sounds awful.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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