The ambiguity of theft and failure of enforcement

This may be true in this day and age, I have no idea. Several of my family members were in LE but it was years ago. I know they didn't feel that way. My Grandfather as Sheriff of Toole County in Montana closed down the brothel there. Doubt he cared about his retirement. Some just do their job cause it's the right thing to do. mtmuley
I know some who are that same way today.
So, some tweakers stole some bikes from my neighbor's back yard yesterday. Actually walked by our open garage where my wife was potting some plants and said hello, then another of our neighbors saw them scale the fence, open the gate and ride off on the bikes. Police were here in 5 minutes, and, from the descriptions, knew who the guys were. Recovered one bike in 2 hours and was pretty sure they will have the other soon.

Unfortunately now we know there is likely a drug dealer on our street.

So, kudos to our local LEO.
We were robbed again yesterday at our yard they just took fuel this time got the asshole on camera again but he only spent 3 minutes and 25 seconds in the yard. He went across the road and tried to steal the neighbors trailer out of his yard. The lock was too substantial for this knothead. Broad daylight. 5:45pm the estimators had just left for the day.
If we started hanging these thieves in public this shit would stop. Stretch some necks let potential thieves think is this $150 worth of diesel worth it. Damn I’m getting sick of it.
We were robbed again yesterday at our yard they just took fuel this time got the asshole on camera again but he only spent 3 minutes and 25 seconds in the yard. He went across the road and tried to steal the neighbors trailer out of his yard. The lock was too substantial for this knothead. Broad daylight. 5:45pm the estimators had just left for the day.
If we started hanging these thieves in public this shit would stop. Stretch some necks let potential thieves think is this $150 worth of diesel worth it. Damn I’m getting sick of it.
Death penalty in the public square for $150 non-violent offenses #shm
Death penalty in the public square for $150 non-violent offenses #shm
Cut a few fingers off for first offense? Second offense the hands? Pretty hard to steal my shit with no hands. If you read previously I had 2 Lincoln pipeliner welders stolen. About $58,000 for 2 of them. I’m done with it. There’s no consequences. Ask the sheriffs.
Death penalty in the public square for $150 non-violent offenses #shm
Non-productive members of society which have not recently been productive members of society and choose to take other people's property repeatedly are deemed too expensive to jail for more than a few days. LEO in my area will not even come to you house for property theft much less take fingerprints. You are on your own to "donate' repeatedly during non-violent "victimless" crimes. So, yes, death after 5 convictions in a rolling 10-year window tips the scale for me from "gosh, that annoys me as a tax payer but maybe the convicted criminal is just about to turn the corner to a better path" to "thanks for playing the game of life but you have used up your attempts to redeem yourself."
I was just about to post that it looks like we have a taliban faction on HT. The next question for discussion is whether girls should be able to go to school. #makingamericamiddleagesagain
Didn't you post a thread the other day about how Americans are so bad at listening to each other? I'm sure dude was more tounge in cheek than litteral about public executions. It's definitely reasonable to be upset about know repeat offenders going without consequences. Comparisons to the American taliban is some of the dumbest chit I've heard that seems to be a other phrase catching on. You for real with that shit? Maybe you should watch the video you posted in the other thread again.
Didn't you post a thread the other day about how Americans are so bad at listening to each other? I'm sure dude was more tounge in cheek than litteral about public executions. It's definitely reasonable to be upset about know repeat offenders going without consequences. Comparisons to the American taliban is some of the dumbest chit I've heard that seems to be a other phrase catching on. You for real with that shit? Maybe you should watch the video you posted in the other thread again.
I would guess I as real about taliban as he is about $150 death penalty.

Yup we do have to listen to one another. We also have to call bs on some of the same rhetoric from some of the same folks. Ymmv
I would guess I as real about taliban as he is about $150 death penalty.

Yup we do have to listen to one another. We also have to call bs on some of the same rhetoric from some of the same folks. Ymmv
Fair enough, I was just pointing out meeting absurdity with absurdity pretty much goes against the constructive discourse angle you seem to want to espouse.
Bet you didn't think you would hear someone say, "we need to be more like Iran" today. Each day around here is a new adventure.
Again wtf who said we need to be like Iran? Is this not equally ridiculous. This is about enough internet for me today. Or maybe my sarcasm meter is broken. I'm out

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