Moose Meat Reality...

icb12, You'd really hate me if you saw what I've swiped from Alaska. Just last week and brought in a box of about 50lbs of fresh venison burger and distributed it to my co-workers... is that confusing for you? Who eats your meat? :)
Because they don't want to eat it, and someone else does.
That's certainly one plausible reason.
Don't hate me. I left a entire Dall sheep up there one year. Even sold the full body cape. Another NR raping the resource!!

I'm sure he asked for it, the most you can get is statutory rape. Slap on the wrist. :D

Ok. Serious question:

Why did you leave it?
Just didn't want it? Too expensive to take home? Don't like sheep meat? Already had a full freezer, IE you didn't need it? Someone else DID need it?

I'm just curious.
Why did you leave it?
Just didn't want it? Too expensive to take home? Don't like sheep meat? Already had a full freezer, IE you didn't need it? Someone else DID need it? I'm just curious.

Sheep meat is great. The year before I brought it back in a cooler. Just a freaking hassle and not worth the $75 to get it home, when my brother could eat it in Alaska.

Jose = Mike Jensen???

Mike Jensen is too average of a name for Jose...

Will the real Jose Cuervo please stand up.
I love this thread with all of my body.

Except my meat.
icb12, You'd really hate me if you saw what I've swiped from Alaska. Just last week and brought in a box of about 50lbs of fresh venison burger and distributed it to my co-workers... is that confusing for you? Who eats your meat? :)

Your point? Did you have one?

So you brought all that deer meat home.. processed it.. and gave it away. So apparently you were interested in bringing all the meat home?? Where exactly is your dog in this fight?
Ben, ibc loves your meat.

Dude.. c'mon. If you are going to insult people. The least you can do is put my initials in the right order. Good grief. I'm suppose to be the retarded one remember
Moose Man, About 5 or 6 years ago there was a guy talking up a service he was putting together to get the Meat back to the states at a reduced rate. What was his name? Sorry for getting back on the original thread! LOL John
so the meat shipper never panned out? that would be interesting if he did it
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