Caribou Gear Tarp

Moose Meat Reality...

This subject reminds me of stuffing a frozen solid skinned cougar carcass in the neighbor's City garbage bin, across the street from my house. The cat was too long and the lid wouldn't close on the bin. The neighbors returned from Xmas break sooner than expected, before garbage pick-up day... and were standing in the yard looking in their garbage with a funny WTF look. Good times.
On a side note. My brother in Alaska has had a few lean years getting the hang of it. Most of the time he is to much of a purist to pull out a gun. Our mother is always sneaking elk up to him. I had to ask..............................."Who ever heard of shipping meat TO Alaska"?
Not surprised that a Texan, where they invented High Fences and Corn Flingers, would think living in the back of a Budget Rental Van and road hunting the Interstate to be a "quality hunt"....


I am sure the laughing is from how stupid your trollish posts are. The more you post, the less those new to website take you with any credibility. After all, your just a wee man who is so ashamed that you look nothing like the person you try project in your post that you try to hide your identity. You don't post pictures or stories of your hunts because it is too hard to crop out yourself and your guides and to change the story into a real OYOA. That is the real LMAO. What would be funny is to post a link to your facebook page!
The one thing that I get from this thread is this...if you ever want to hunt moose, caribou, blackbears, etc. without a guide, I'd do it sooner rather than later. I had the chance to hunt goats without a guide many years ago, but figured it was something I would "always be able to do"...WRONG.

Many Alaska Residents have a selfish mentality, and thats really what this whole thread is about when you cut through all the BS. The exact reason why NR's are largely forced to hire a guide for grizzlies, goats, and sheep.

The NR's are unprepared, lousy hunters who waste game meat, and dont know what they're doing.

I wouldnt be surprised at all that within 10 years you cant hunt moose in AK without a guide. I'm going to make sure I take advantage while its still available without being forced to hire a "guide" who I'd be about 100% certain of hasnt hunted as much, or shot as much game as I have.

Its a joke that NR's cant hunt sheep, goats, and griz without a guide...absolutely selfish and ridiculous.
I am sure the laughing is from how stupid your trollish posts are. The more you post, the less those new to website take you with any credibility. After all, your just a wee man who is so ashamed that you look nothing like the person you try project in your post that you try to hide your identity. You don't post pictures or stories of your hunts because it is too hard to crop out yourself and your guides and to change the story into a real OYOA. That is the real LMAO. What would be funny is to post a link to your facebook page!

Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

You stalk me on FaceBook? Creepy.......
Wow, Fin is right about you hunt talkers going at each others throats in the off season. It should get really interesting come February. :D
Haha, this pretty much made my morning, and probably my day. Pretty priceless really.

I understand the WHAT.. I was asking the WHY. Apparently I wasn't asking it very well though. I started out genuinely curious as to why someone would want to leave the meat behind.
That rapidly progressed into more interested in being a sarcastic asshole seeing how many people I can piss off on the internet. I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

To attempt to answer the "why" people want to leave meat behind...I'd assume a myriad of things. Might be financial limitations. Might not have enough cooler space. Might not like the taste of the meat. Might just be after a rack, hide, etc. specifically. Might be interested in donating the meat to people that don't have the means/ability to go out and nail an animal like that on their own. :D
Thanks elk_hunter.

icb12, Just how do you figure all this meat transport stuff out? Do you have a background in aerospace engineering?
Super simple. I took an advanced time warp physics algorithm, reversed it, divided it by pi squared, then I dropped it into fortran combined it with an economic prediction program constrained by the probability of nuclear war in the next 12 years and BAM.. Out pops the solution to transporting meat.
I didn't even need to touch my engineering background. It was so simple I think you and moosie might be able to figure it out if you put your heads together. Hell if you can't figure it out, just strap the meat on top of Moosie's mustang. Probably faster anyway.
I'm not seeking your approval for what I did with my moose, its none of your business.

You asked what "the logic was for leaving moose meat"....I gave you your answer yet you still seem unable to comprehend something so basic.

:confused: Ok man. Sure. Whatever you say boss.
FWIW- you seemed to think I had a problem with your hunt. I was telling you I didn't. You're right, you gave an answer.. and I got it. Pretty sure I said that.. I'll have to review my notes but I'm about 100% certain I said something like "I understand your specific hunt"..

I wasn't giving you approval for anything; simply saying I understand YOUR reasoning. I was, and am still curious as to why others would want to leave the meat behind.
Wow, Fin is right about you hunt talkers going at each others throats in the off season. It should get really interesting come February. :D

The power of the intardnet is pure awesomeness aint it :D
I was, and am still curious as to why others would want to leave the meat behind.

Because they don't want to eat it, and someone else does. It ain't rocket surgery.
Don't hate me. I left a entire Dall sheep up there one year. Even sold the full body cape. Another NR raping the resource!!
You did with your usual personal jabs so I made one back, sorry if it hurt. well not really.
As far as stalking you on facebook, don't flatter yourself. It is ironic humor that i get a facebook "friend suggestion" because me and "Mike Jensen" from ID have many friends in common. I wonder WTF is this?, click on the link and almost spit my drink on the keyboard laughing..when i saw moosie call you Jose. Dude if you want to hide your identity you shouldn't be on facebook. And if you want to hide your identity because your afraid of who might know who you really are you shouldn't make it a hobby to make personal attacks on that same place.. Just sayin

Jose = Mike Jensen???

Mike Jensen is too average of a name for Jose...
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