Moose Meat Reality...

Just how much would it cost in Alaska to have roughly 550lbs of moose meat converted to pepperoni sticks? Can I ship my 2011 Montana black bear up to you? My mom's cats are getting too fat.

1900$ for 550# of Moose meat into Pepperoni sticks. 1204$ for regular pepperoni.
If I just want it processed regularly: 275$ If it's clean and boned.

That's chump change for a NR on an Alaskan Trip. And they'll ship it to you.

You could get all 550# of moose meat processed and shipped to you for less than your jet ride up and your cub flight to your hunting ground.

Let me know if you need an address.
It's hard to answer a post that's riddled with assumptions and cluelessness from a condescending hypocrite. Where does a guy start?

I could see how that would be a whole lot harder than figuring out the logistics of getting 500# of meat home.
Who cares what one does with the meat as long as it was not wasted, and fed to someone who needs and wants it. Would you say Buzz was wrong if he bought someone a side of beef? basically what he did on his moose hunt. He paid a good sum for a tag, had a fun hunt with a bud, and his bud fed himself and family all winter on Buzz's dime.
I do 3-5 hunts as a nonres every year and I bring home all I know I can feed to my family and after that if someone has more "need" than I do it saves me some money and it is nice knowing a family that has an empty freezer can get some eats.
I will be doing a AZ deer hunt in December and my buddies 75 year old Dad is crazy about deer meat and he will get every bit of it. He needs and wants it more than I do. If he didn't want it I would bring it home.
Share the Harvest
Good grief - 2rocky's innocent thread has been completely derailed by icb12's response. :rolleyes: All he asked was how realistic it was to bring all or a portion of the meat from AK back home. It's very realistic and whether you bring all the meat home, a portion, or none, it's all fine and good. Bottom line - it doesn't matter whether you're in AK going back to CO or going from CO to MI because the premise is identical. You might be a piper cub flight or two from getting meat out of the backcountry of AK or you might be 10 miles into the backcountry of Colorado - a hunter is responsible for getting the meat to civilization. From there, it can be donated, shipped, packed on an airplane, thrown on ice in coolers and driven home, etc. as has been discussed. Each hunter chooses what to do based on their situation so let's stop the judging. If someone drives to AK, they might have enough room/coolers to bring home all their meat. On the other hand, they might mix it up with big game meat + fish (that's what I'd be doing). And, if someone flies, they might only decide to fly a portion home instead of everything. Maybe they want to donate the meat to friends, locals or a homeless shelter/food bank. All good options. The hunter's choice might be influenced by available funds but don't knock him for that. So what if he's $100 or $500 or $2500 short of being able to get the remainder of his meat home. A good hunter will make sure the available meat is taken care of - whether donated or kept.

When I came home from Kodiak, I had about 1/2 a blacktail, 138 pounds of halibut, my sea ducks, capes and antlers. I was prepared to bring the rest of the blacktail home, but I had about the opposite problem as my buddy from Anchorage...not much fish and a freezer full of game meat.

My buddy from Anchorage had a freezer full of fish, with not much in the way of game I gave him 1 1/2 of my blacktails to go with the 2 he shot.

Win-win and we both ate like kings for a year.

This year was much the same, I knew from the tags I drew that I'd have a pile of buddy, that was his ONLY hunting trip for the year. He wanted a moose and would have killed either the bull I shot or one of the others we saw later on the trip. His freezer was going to be full of moose one way or the other, I had never shot an AK moose and when we found a legal bull fairly close to the was done. It was convienent for both of us.

I dont see why you have a problem with that, we had it all planned out ahead of time and I knew what I was going to do with it.

We also have a plan in place should we both whack bulls next year...which I'm sure we will.

The pictures I took of the seaducks were cool, I had no intention of eating them, but they do look cool in my house:



Speaking only for myself, I hunt/fish in Alaska for the experience and for a trophy I cannot get elsewhere. I have brought home every fish (either in my belly or in a box) that I have harvested with nothing more than a few pics to remind me of them. I hunted for caribou 3 times before I shot one. I did not choose him because he weighed 300 lbs or because I thought he would taste good. I shot him for his nice tops, nice bezs, 2 backscratchers and double shovel. Except for some t-loins and some ribmeat I gave to the transporter I brought it all home. My partner brought his home(even brought bones for soup for his mom) but gave away the antlers! He and I had opposing desires and definitions off success yet managed to have a GREAT time together. I think the key is tolerance of another view.
Who cares what one does with the meat as long as it was not wasted, and fed to someone who needs and wants it. Would you say Buzz was wrong if he bought someone a side of beef? basically what he did on his moose hunt. He paid a good sum for a tag, had a fun hunt with a bud, and his bud fed himself and family all winter on Buzz's dime.
Seriously. Hunt talk needs hooked on phonix. Reading comprehension has gone downhill in the modern era. AS I'VE ALREADY SAID. I don't have a problem with what Buzz did or what anyone else does. I'm just curious as to why so many leave the meat behind. It doesn't make any sense to me.
From the latter part of your post.. it would seem to me that you are agreeing with me.
Don't get me wrong.. It's your money, your hunt, if you don't want the meat, it is most assuredly your prerogative to give it away. It's certainly legal to do so.
I agree; there is nothing ethically or legally wrong with it. I just don't understand the reasoning. In my eyes, your hunt specifically was little more than providing an extra tag for your friend. I'm not sure whether I agree with that or not.. but you certainly didn't do anything legally or morally wrong.
I'm not against trophy hunting at all.. I don't see a moral or legal issue. I just don't understand why you wouldn't want the meat or as much of it as possible. By all means, give it away, plenty of needy people out there who do appreciate it. I've already said that.. But why don't you want the meat?

Bottom line - it doesn't matter whether you're in AK going back to CO or going from CO to MI because the premise is identical. You might be a piper cub flight or two from getting meat out of the backcountry of AK or you might be 10 miles into the backcountry of Colorado - a hunter is responsible for getting the meat to civilization. From there, it can be donated, shipped, packed on an airplane, thrown on ice in coolers and driven home, etc. as has been discussed. Each hunter chooses what to do based on their situation so let's stop the judging. If someone drives to AK, they might have enough room/coolers to bring home all their meat. On the other hand, they might mix it up with big game meat + fish (that's what I'd be doing). And, if someone flies, they might only decide to fly a portion home instead of everything. Maybe they want to donate the meat to friends, locals or a homeless shelter/food bank. All good options. The hunter's choice might be influenced by available funds but don't knock him for that. So what if he's $100 or $500 or $2500 short of being able to get the remainder of his meat home. A good hunter will make sure the available meat is taken care of - whether donated or kept.
Well said. Better than I could have. What I'm curious is to WHY they want to leave it behind. Seems I am expressing that question very poorly.
I dont see why you have a problem with that, we had it all planned out ahead of time and I knew what I was going to do with it.

We also have a plan in place should we both whack bulls next year...which I'm sure we will.
I don't. I've said it before. Maybe I should be more direct. Buzz, I have no problem with your hunt or your ethical standards. I was just curious as to why someone would want to leave all the meat behind. That particular philosophy makes no sense to me. I understand your specific hunt; and really have no issue with it.
PS: NICE Harlequin mount! I like it a lot.
"Clueless... party of 1. Your flight is ready."
Dumbass, party of two. You missed the flight. Again. Please try some other time.
Speaking only for myself, I hunt/fish in Alaska for the experience and for a trophy I cannot get elsewhere. I have brought home every fish (either in my belly or in a box) that I have harvested with nothing more than a few pics to remind me of them. I hunted for caribou 3 times before I shot one. I did not choose him because he weighed 300 lbs or because I thought he would taste good. I shot him for his nice tops, nice bezs, 2 backscratchers and double shovel. Except for some t-loins and some ribmeat I gave to the transporter I brought it all home. My partner brought his home(even brought bones for soup for his mom) but gave away the antlers! He and I had opposing desires and definitions off success yet managed to have a GREAT time together. I think the key is tolerance of another view.

Fair enough. It makes sense to me.

"opposing desires and definitions of success" makes the most sense out of anything i've heard so far..
Well said. Better than I could have. What I'm curious is to WHY they want to leave it behind. Seems I am expressing that question very poorly.

To attempt to answer the "why" people want to leave meat behind...I'd assume a myriad of things. Might be financial limitations. Might not have enough cooler space. Might not like the taste of the meat. Might just be after a rack, hide, etc. specifically. Might be interested in donating the meat to people that don't have the means/ability to go out and nail an animal like that on their own. :D
It's like the guy that keeps grabbing the hot frying pan.....and doesn't know why he keeps getting burnt.

Please tell me not all AK people are this retarded.

Repeat till u get it : Aim sofa king we Todd did.
What baffles me is how you can post such long posts that seem well thought out but how dumb you are.

It’s like you know one thing but not the reverse. You know how to walk to your Mailbox, but no Friggin clue how to walk back.

Trophy hunting is reverse what you do.

You like to shoot for the meat, then the rack or size is the bonus. Some like to shoot for the rack or size and the Meat is the bonus.


How many times are you going to say “I don’t understand”. How hard is it to figure out ? It’s like talking to someone in a 2 way mirror. We can see though the glass and you are just looking at your reflection going “DUUUHhhhhhh”.

It’s been years since I’ve woken up at 4AM baffled at how something as simple as 1+1=2 can be simple but going from 2-1= can’t be understood.

Truly, you win the “WTF” award…………

Some people like MEAT, other like RACKS..... I'm more of a Rack guy myself.

I also like big racks, but it appears icb12 likes the meat.

Take both when I can get it.

If you can't get the Simplest of Simple Jokes I set up it's like I'm talking to my 1 year old. I'm wasting my college football skills on a Grade school Flag football player... (PS, that's you DumbA$$) I set up one of the Best lines of the Month.... maybe the year, Bump it.....set it and Greenhorn SPIKES it in less then 4 minutes and you just grab the ball. You don't return it or nothing. You didn't even grab it, it hit you in the face, you fell over and didn't even realise we got the point.

You probably wear Golfing shoes when you go bowling.

How long do you push on a door that says "PULL" to open ?

You are the type of guy that I ask "Has your mom ever caught you masturbating behind your closet door" You say "NO!!!" Then I say "It's a good hiding spot then huh !!!" ;) ... .........then you say "She's never caught me" And I'm like "It's a good hiding spot then HUH ?" and you are like "NO, She's never caught me......."

Seriously ?!?! Crap, It's been years, since I've thought about starting a Fund to set up for to get someone a CLUE. I would KILL Blues Clue right now. Sniper him on his Acting set just to take the Clue "Blue" has so I can mail it to you.

And yes, I know he's a cartoon caricatures. It was a Joke that I'm sure you are sitting around your IGLOO with a rug from a Cow Caribou and your Boyfriend snoring in the background wondering what I'm talking about while EVERYONE else reading it is Spitting Morning Soda on their Screens laughing and Peeing their pants uncontrolably.


How can you understand how the Sun comes up but No clue how it goes down ? (SOMEONE GIVE ME A SMASHING MY HEAD ON A WALL EMOTICON!!!!)

You Sir, take the cake. The Wedding AND Birthday cake....... It's like Fighting Poland with our Tanks and they keep throwing stones with their Sling shots. And even though we have the tanks we're floored so much by the stupidity that we give up and the Pollock’s win.

You meat hunt but would hold out for a bigger animal yet don't know why someone would want to shoot a bigger animal ? You don't even understand your own logic and you are preaching it. If you understand it, you are the only one. You are like a Fish being fried in a Frying pan alive jumping around back and forth burning both your sides.

....... "PARTY OF 2" WTF does that mean ? It's Party of "1" That means "YOU" and only you. Telling me "Party of 2" Doesn't even make sense ?!!? Who is the other person you are refering too ?!?!?!?! My 3 year old tells jokes like that. No correlation between the Joke and the Punch line. By 4 they usually start making sense. I just want to smash my head in my monitor !!!

Do you play Poker with your Friends and loose all your money then talk at work the next day how you "Schooled" them at poker ?

Do you Race your Geo Metro at the stop light and REALLY think you're going to beat the Mustang ? WE DRIVE MUSTANGS around here and the Lights GREEN !!! That's an Example, it's a Mediphor. I feel like I need to explain this to you but am cutting my Wrists as I do so because I know you are going to reply with some "PARTY OF 3 at the Dock waiting for a Pick up" or some Dumb, lame comeback that doesn't make any sense !!!

Pay attention at ythe Next Christmas party you go to why you have to find people to walk up to and they are avoiding you. And they are always shaking their head. It's not because of Tarret's syndrom..... they Don't get you !!!

...........Truly, I'm turning over my American Tank right now to you Mr. Pollock. Keys, gas, steering wheel and a passport. You won.... Congrats. You WON the "STUMPED MOOSIE and MOST OF AMERICA" Award in this post.......... I have to take a day off the computer now because I can't think any more.

You are Sucking common sense and logic right out my brain and I feel like a Void of darkness. Void of Dumbness. Hell, I feel this morning how you must feel Every day.

............Surrender to the AK ......:W: :W:
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So, I agree with you so you qoute me and say I need hooked on phonics? My post was niether an agreement or not, but just trying to put in perspective why someone would go on a hunt when he has no intension of bringing home the meat. I really no longer know what you are asking in regards to Buzz's moose hunt
Buzz, did you eat those pretty little coots? How could you let those wonderfully gritty breasts go to waste?!?! I just don't get it.

icb12, Just how do you figure all this meat transport stuff out? Do you have a background in aerospace engineering? All I know is if I head to AK for a moose hunt, I've a resident that's kindly offered to take all my moose meat and have the entire thing made into pepperoni sticks.. :D

You never did tell me if you'd take this spring's black bear? You'd be out less than a grand for the pepperoni sticks as they don't have as much meat as a moose.
Wow that's a rough way to get up and rant at 4am Moosie...lets enjoy the day :hump:
Dang Buzz, I'm jealous, sea ducks and divers are something I've always wanted.
If it is all about "trophy" hunting, then why would anyone head to Alaska when there are plenty of high fences in Texas?

ICB does ask the good questions of "why". And, it is likely a question that we should each ask ourself all the time, and, if your answer doesn't change over the years then you likely are not maturing/evolving as a person.

I scratch my head with my Dad's logic of going to Alaska twice per year to catch fish and bring them home. He measures success on how many fish get in the boat and to the processor. Catch and release has never made sense to him as a goal. He fishes for steelhead in Idaho and is bummed when he lands a wild fish instead of a "keeper". I am positive he could go to Costco and get better, cheaper, easier fish for less than the cost of transporting his Alaskan fish. (All that aside, as long as he is going, that is all that matters to me, as he seems to look forward all year to the trips.)

Likely ICB's answer of "why" has to be individual to each person. I can understand Buzz' "why" on his moose hunt far easier than some other person's "why" who would get a "once in a decade" elk tag and actually plan a hunt to live in the back of a Budget Rental Moving Van, drive the Interstate looking for Elk and then be unprepared to deal with the meat.

I am pretty sure that for me the adventure/experience is first priority. Pictures second priority, then meat and finally horns. Just my rankings, YMMV.

I'm not seeking your approval for what I did with my moose, its none of your business.

You asked what "the logic was for leaving moose meat"....I gave you your answer yet you still seem unable to comprehend something so basic.
Likely ICB's answer of "why" has to be individual to each person. I can understand Buzz' "why" on his moose hunt far easier than some other person's "why" who would get a "once in a decade" elk tag and actually plan a hunt to live in the back of a Budget Rental Moving Van, drive the Interstate looking for Elk and then be unprepared to deal with the meat.

This melange of goofiness belongs on one of your lists Jose.
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