Caribou Gear

Montana's Impossible Housing Situation

$200k for property, utilities, driveway, structure, doors, windows, finishes, mechanical, electrical, landscaping ... ready for occupancy?! You would not sell it for $1 million without all that and more, even without furniture furnishings. Your $200k cost selling for $1 million assertion seems highly doubtful.
Take a drive through Gallatin heights subdivision. Stop in and talk to a realtor! Hell, ask to talk to Pat from Sunrise homes directly.. yall can argue all you want, just because you didn’t get to do it big time like the other guys did, when the gettin was good… those same houses went up quadruple in price from phase one to phase 3 and the SAME HOUSE down the road in white horse ranch are OVER a million. I built each one in 3-7 days. Electricians plumbers tinners man everyone was in and out so damned fast in those cookie cutters. Yeah they cost money, but I said I CAN build it. I have electricians I have plumbers I have painters so you can Loan me a chunk of land and 200k and we can make some money; or just keep hating the player instead of the hating the game. Yall seem to just like the keyboard thing
Take a drive through Gallatin heights subdivision. Stop in and talk to a realtor! Hell, ask to talk to Pat from Sunrise homes directly.. yall can argue all you want, just because you didn’t get to do it big time like the other guys did, when the gettin was good… those same houses went up quadruple in price from phase one to phase 3 and the SAME HOUSE down the road in white horse ranch are OVER a million. I built each one in 3-7 days. Electricians plumbers tinners man everyone was in and out so damned fast in those cookie cutters. Yeah they cost money, but I said I CAN build it. I have electricians I have plumbers I have painters so you can Loan me a chunk of land and 200k and we can make some money; or just keep hating the player instead of the hating the game. Yall seem to just like the keyboard thing
You should ask pat about the time those guys tried to Rob him.
I wonder how they calculate median home price. Sure lot of million dollar mansions selling in Montana.
Median is the center most number when arranged from lowest to highest home sale. Say 5 homes sold. 4 at $100,000 and 1 at $600,000. Average price would be $200,000 since $1,000,000 of sales occurred for 5 houses. The median would be $100,000. Median is more useful as a statistics when a small portion of sales are much larger than average.

The wealthiest few families in your county may control 90% of the privately held wealth though those few families represent less than 1% of families. Median wealth would be more useful for representing how much wealth the “average” family has in your county.
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