Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana's Impossible Housing Situation

Went to Browning once, 35 years ago.
Haven't felt the need since.
Me and a buddy partied In the Browning bars one night. 1989. We were there crushing cars for a salvage company. We are still alive and really had a great time. Maybe they took pity on a couple dumb white boys. Anyway, Montana is a great place. Everywhere. mtmuley
Me and a buddy partied In the Browning bars one night. 1989. We were there crushing cars for a salvage company. We are still alive and really had a great time. Maybe they took pity on a couple dumb white boys. Anyway, Montana is a great place. Everywhere. mtmuley
Reserved judgement. Just haven't found myself in that region.
If you are being sarcastic and negative ... then doubt if you have been around Glendive at all. First of all you can grow watermelons there! It's a great gardening climate for Montana.
Then there's Makoshika State Park, a real badlands gem worth camping and exploring. Lower Yellowstone River offers great recreational fun and fishing ... paddlefish capital!
Hunting is pretty darn good: antelope, deer (both species, but notable whitetail along river), pheasants and other birds, even elk not far away nowadays. Dawson Community College with a reputable rodeo team. Probably housing costs much more affordable than Bozeman.
Soooo ... denigrating Glendive as a Montana place to live says more about the denigrator than the place.
Soon to be the #1 Bozangles bedroom community, thanks a lot!
Everytime I'm in Glendive I'm blown away at how big of a shit hole it is. A month or so ago I was there with my wife and her response was “I think I’d rather live in Browning than this place, this is the armpit of Montana.” The town feels like the entire place needs pressure washed. The restaurants are bottom 5 in the state. I mean really…it’s appropriately named GlenDIVE.
Dawson area Chamber of Commerce and Jaycees have concurred with you and voted unanimously in their wish that you never set foot in Dawson County ever again! ;)
Everytime I'm in Glendive I'm blown away at how big of a shit hole it is. A month or so ago I was there with my wife and her response was “I think I’d rather live in Browning than this place, this is the armpit of Montana.” The town feels like the entire place needs pressure washed. The restaurants are bottom 5 in the state. I mean really…it’s appropriately named GlenDIVE.
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