
Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

One thing about BuzzH and that is that he doesn't pull any punches, LOL! I may disagree with him once in a while, and it's mainly on this wolf issue, but hey, that's what makes the world go around!!! Happy holidays guys---MIKE
Wow Buzz sounded very John Marvel ish with that last comment. John are you posting under the name Buzz to throw us off?

Back on topic Fin what are your plans for the wolf once you get it? Rug, full body, just the skull?
Buzz H,

I knew you would get back to one of the big R's. Ranchers as the big bad wolf. Why didn't you throw in the other R? You are just too predictable.

The analogy about the issue of the challenge to "Obamacare" should be obvious to anyone, as you put it, with "one firing brain cell". Did you miss the point? I will simplify it for you Buzz. Courts will often come out with different decisions when the facts and issues presented are the same. Judges are not all the same. They come into every proceeding with their own individual bias, backgrounds and political leanings. This is especially true of federal judges. The appointments they receive to the federal bench always involve politics. They can't be voted out and are not easily removed. Just look at the current make up of the U.S. Supreme Court. It is comprised of 4 liberals, 4 conservatives and one poor guy in the middle. Do you think that is just an accident?

I don't think you are an idiot. I also don't care what you think about me. I do think people would take you more seriously if you dropped the bombastic BS and attempted to discuss an issue in a civil manner. You seem incapable of this. You often have something important to contribute to the conversation, but your demeanor as an a**hole diminishes that. You have the total inability to agree to disagree. By the way, I stand by my previous comment that you surely would have been an easy mark on the witness stand. Just push the right buttons and the Buzz rocket would launch. You say you have seen yourself in action before. What , in front of a mirror?

I stand corrected on the 6 weeks of paid vacation courtesy of the taxpayers. It must be nice having 5 weeks and 1 day of paid vacation courtesy of the taxpayers. It also must be nice to not have any set work schedule that allows you to work around your need to post on the various forums. Again, your job with the USFS is a great gig. My only question is if you are so smart, how come you aren't a district ranger, forest supervisor, or out making the big money in the private sector?

I will just sit here shaking in my boots waiting for our cage match.

Enough already, your both pretty. This is obviosuly not going to hash itself out here, as it is way beyond civil already. This is the live hunt thread, take it elsewhere so we dont have to sort through this hogwash.

Didnt miss the red herring you threw comparing obamacare to the wolf issue...just not a real valid argument IMO. There was already an agreement in place under the EIS between the tri-states and Feds and any judge, regardless of their appointment or politics, was bound to find the same thing. Molloy ruled on just that...the EIS agreement and what was to trigger delisting...just like any other judge would have. Do you really believe its all just pure luck that so many called this whole thing starting in about 2004? Wyoming was delaying delisting and the only way out of it for MT and ID was to go it alone...and thats exactly what they did. Cut ties with Wyoming and let them fight their own fight, Wyoming did NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP...for Idaho and Montana. If MT and ID would have joined Wyoming and their failed plan...they wouldnt be managing wolves and having a season right now.

I dont waste time to play patty-cake with a group that will sell the entire hunting community down the river to prove a point they havent...and wont, ever win. Sorry if the reality of who controlled the wolf management plan is something you cant accept. The facts are what they are, the livestock community has controlled it from the beginning in Wyoming at the expense of Wyoming wildlife and hunters. SFW and BGF tried repeatedly to put the screws to Montana and Idaho as well...purely for political reasons. Why would any sportsmens group try to sabatoge anything that would delist wolves and give management back to the States?

I cant back what Wyoming, BGF, or SFW on the wolf issue, I'd rather be legally hunting them like my fellow hunters in Montana and Idaho...instead wolf numbers are still growing in Wyoming. According to you, moose and elk numbers are suffering because of it.

Thats the group(s) you want to side with? Makes no sense, but if you want to keep believing its the anti's and eco-elites that are stopping Wyoming from coming up with an accepted plan via statewide trophy game status...hey, knock yourself out. It isnt true...but hey, the truth hasnt slowed you down yet.

I'm still waiting for some proof that the eco-elites are what has caused Wyomings problems... and lack of wolf management and seasons.

Oh, and as to why I have my current choice, and not willing to sacrifice where I live or things I enjoy for the implied status that work/climbing the ladder brings to some peoples ego's.

My work doesnt define me...
On the subject of cooking wolf - I work with a guy who is from Louisiana and of Philippino extraction. Both him and his dad like to hunt and fish - his dad describes himself as a Phillipino Coonass. He says that you can cook dog pretty much like beef or especially like goat.

Good luck, Fin.
Just spent forty minutes typing the day's events, only to have the internet connection reset. Will try to get it re-written and posted here. Uggggh!
Wow, this thing has really turned into not much of a live hunt...........Guess we will have to wait on the story for the day till everyone can play nice:):)LOL

I'll let Fin tell the story...................
The morning was crisp and dark. Low clouds kept the near full moon almost invisible. The temp when we left the truck was 17F. Not bad for the walk that was ahead of us.

We made it a good distance while it was dark. As it was getting light, elk were popping up like Jacks In The Box. Everywhere we looked there were small bands of elk. That is all good.

We walked in about two miles. A light snow was falling and the low cloud ceiling was making visibility ever worse as we climb higher and higher.

Finally getting to a good vantage where we could see in all directions, we decided to set up and do some calling. First we glassed to see that nothing obvious was standing near us. Spotted more elk and three moose. Seeing no wolves, Critter told me to start sounding like a dying deer.

I blew the call for about fifteen minutes. The wind has picked up pretty bad, so I doubt anything was close enough to hear it. Critter then did a howling sequence. The dude can howl. And he must sound pretty realistic, as all the elk we had in our view quickly walked to the timber and disappeared. Obviously no wolves were nearby, or they would have replied to that howling sequence.

We sat there for most of another hour, waiting for a reply or hoping a wolf would appear in the fog like clouds passing below and in front of us. The wind was getting worse and the snow thicker. Visibility was now about 500 yards. Not conducive to spot and stalk wolf hunting.

We decided to head lower in hopes the visibility would improve and the wind would die down. We lucked out on both counts. Got to the truck around noon.

On our way out we met two guys I know who were in there hunting from horseback. That would be the best way I can think of to hunt that ground. Not being a horseman, it was boot leather for us.

There were lots of other hunters out today. And it was a Wednesday. We talked to some of them. Many were here scouting for big groups they have coming with snowmobiles on Friday. The wolves will get some serious hunting pressure this weekend. Good to see so many hunters out enjoying our wolf seasons.

Spent most the day looking for fresh tracks and looking at other spots. Late in the afternoon, Critter suggested we pull into this glassing spot where he had seen wolves previously. Sounded good to me.

I was hoping we could find some fresh tracks. My hopes were fulfilled. Tracks so fresh that two wolves were standing in them. How Critter saw them with his naked eyes, is beyond me, but the excitement hit a crescendo in a nanosecond.

I grabbed my binos and ran around the back of the rig to see what Critter was so excited about. At 500 yards stood a very nice grey wolf. Almost silver. Critter was focusing on the other one, more dark than this. Loren saw them before I did and was immediately scrambling to get the tripod and camera in place. Chaos at its finest for the next thirty seconds.

I saw Critter readying his rifle. I decided to man the rangefinder in the event Loren could get the cameras set, balanced, fired up, and focused before the wolves made the ridge they were headed over. I told Critter it was 469 yards, but the wolves were moving away, and fast.

By the time we were organized and the cameras were ready, the wolves had made the ridge and I don't think we got any footage of them. Such is the headache of filming. Nothing we could do about it. Had we not been filming, Critter might have had a shot as they stopped for a second to look at the danger below. A long shot, but still may have been a shot.

That was very exciting. We moved across the small basin and set up in some trees, hoping we could call them back down for a peak of the deer we tried to imitate. Lots of calling and some howling, but they were not taking the bait.

We walked up to the tracks, hoping to see where they went. They were making big time away from us. With light fading, we decided to let them go and come in during dark tomorrow morning and hope to get a bead on them. To find them two days in a row would be a major streak of luck, but given they have been there in the past, and again today, I can think of no better game plan.

I will tell you this. Seeing a wolf, with a tag in my pocket and a rifle in my hand, got my body shaking pretty good. It was very exciting to see them and know a chance, however small of a chance, existed that we might get a shot at one.

No shot fired, but all in all, a very successful day. Tried to post during the day, but there is no coverage in this area. Will have to suffice with daily updates each evening after the hunt.

This is a ton of fun. I hope you all get out and enjoy it when the chance presents itself. I know all my spare time will be spent hunting wolves until the season ends or the quotas fill. Just too much fun when you finally see one.

Hope we have a good pic or two to post tomorrow. Thanks to Critter and Loren for the great fun today.
.....Fin what are your plans for the wolf once you get it? Rug, full body, just the skull?

Critter gets first shot, and not sure what he will do if he gets one.

But if I do get one, I want to get a tanned wolf pelt. Got enough rugs with an AK brown bear and a black bear. Just always wanted to have a wolf pelt hanging on my wall. And as crazy as it sounds, I have always wanted to try eating wolf. I would boil the skull and keep that on my desk.

Hope I am not getting the cart too far in front of the horse by posting that.

That was a pretty damn close call today. If those wolves stay nearby, and given the number of elk they very well may, I like our chances of getting one in the next four days. I think our odds just increased from 2% to 10%.
I know of a really good crock-pot recipe for wolf. It involves adding veggies, and good spices. The last part of the recipe says you are suppose to throw away to wolf and eat the crock-pot. Just make a wolf skin hat out the pelt and call it good.
Good luck. I'm sure you'll end up with at least one wolf hunting with crittergitter. He is an expert in the field.
Critter gets first shot, and not sure what he will do if he gets one.

But if I do get one, I want to get a tanned wolf pelt. Got enough rugs with an AK brown bear and a black bear. Just always wanted to have a wolf pelt hanging on my wall. And as crazy as it sounds, I have always wanted to try eating wolf. I would boil the skull and keep that on my desk.

Hope I am not getting the cart too far in front of the horse by posting that.

That was a pretty damn close call today. If those wolves stay nearby, and given the number of elk they very well may, I like our chances of getting one in the next four days. I think our odds just increased from 2% to 10%.

Not really sure how I get to be first shooter but if i tank a wolf, that bugger will either be rugged or full body mount...........probably full body. My buddy had a full body done and it is frickin awesome.

Thanks again Fin, awesome day!!

Ready for lead in the air tomorrow!
Well fin i just read through all of those links, it took me almost 3 hours LOL I do feel a bit more informed on the wolf issue but also a bit lost only because im trying to catch up on a years worth of issues.
I will say this, if either of you get a shot at a wolf TAKE IT. I dont care if you get it on film I will still watch the episode and be just as satisfied as if the kill was on film.
After reading through all of those threads I cant say how thankful I am for guys like you and BuzzH who are so knowledgeable on the subject and get the real truth out.
Good luck to you guys. Be safe and bag a good one.
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