Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Congrats you guys. Critter, you definitely built some good karma and it came through.

Fin, you confused the hell out of me, you said the howa boomed. I thought you were shooting. But I see Critter got himself one of those sweeeeeet Howa snow camo guns, not shooting his custom.

What caliber is Critter's gun?
Congrats you guys. Critter, you definitely built some good karma and it came through.

Fin, you confused the hell out of me, you said the howa boomed. I thought you were shooting. But I see Critter got himself one of those sweeeeeet Howa snow camo guns, not shooting his custom.

What caliber is Critter's gun?

Critter was shooting one of the Howa's we have set up for the show. One requirement to the show - all hunters must shoot the Howa rifles we set up, along with Leupold optics, and Federal Premium ammo.

Both the rifles you see are in .308 Win. I love the round, even though this wolf, some elk, deer, and assorted other critters would maybe feel otherwise.
Well, thanks a lot guys!!! And a huge thanks to Randy for asking me to be a part of this truly amazing hunt!! I will honestly say, when we started this quest, I really didn't think we had a prayer of actually killing one, in fact thought we would do good if we actually saw one. We have actually laid eyes on 11 wolves so far but as we all know, seeing one and getting one are miles apart:)

I'm not gonna lie though, when that wolf crossed the 600 mark, the first thing that ran through my head was ....."don't miss the shot and blow all the hard work";) 510 is a pretty long poke when you are shooting a new rifle but thankfully, Randy had spent enough time dialing it in, that when i saw the crosshairs right behind the shoulder, I knew it was lights out for the elk killer. At the report of the shot, Randy said he was certain i smoked him but i made it pretty clear that we are not going to stop shooting until there isnt a twitch:)

This has been an awesome experience. Randy, I have had just an awsome time hunting with you and the camera guys are just top notch guys to have along on the hunt!

I'm pretty sure i won't be sleeping much tonight :) But i need some sleep becasue i can't wait to get out there tomorrow and help randy put the grip and grin on one of the others in the group!!

Randy, by the way. I got the gps out tonight and where we first spotted that wolf up at that group of bull elk was 4.02 miles straight line distance from our vantage point. So, that picture through the spotter was 4 miles away.

I hope some more guys get out there and put a few more down, this truly is better than shooting a 350" bull elk!!

This is going to make an awsome episode with the exception of the tag along hunter you had with you:)

I'm dedicating this Wolf to my friend Dan. I know Dan wanted to get out after his tremendous hunting season to hunt these buggers but unfortunately his condition has gotten to the point that its just not an option. Dan, this wolf is for you buddy!
By the way, i've been trying to decide on a full body mount or a nice rug................I was torn because i had my mind set on full body if i shot a giant one, but since this one is just average, not sure i will. It really is a pretty bugger though with all the black and silver.

Maybe i should take a vote and see what everyone else thinks.. My buddy has a full body of a big male that is awesome but i've seen a rug done too and it looks pretty sweet as well......................Hmm. Have to think about it while we are out looking for Randy's..

Congrats Matt. Those silvers sure are the prettiest of all. Rug or FB either would be sweet.

Jealous of your MT wolf, but well deserved.

Congrats Matt. Those silvers sure are the prettiest of all. Rug or FB either would be sweet.

Jealous of your MT wolf, but well deserved.

Thanks man! I love the color on this thing, this was the color i was hoping for but I would have shot any color, any size:) Even a purple pup if it was available:)
Congrats to both of you, you both know Idaho will sell you a fairly cheap non-resident tag if you feel the need to chase them around some more. I can promise you most people hunting them over here aren't putting in the effort you guys did.
Wow what a story ..... That made my day. Congrats now get to bed and kill another tommorow.
Nice work fellas! Well deserved.
That's a great color..I'd vote to have it tanned. As much time as you spend in the woods, this won't be your last..
WOW!!!!!! 1 less wolf out there and who knows how many elk will survive the winter now. Congrats to both of you.

Btw, I think I would go full body just because its your 1st, if you get another really big one is there anything wrong with having more than 1?
Ok, so my guess was obviously a bit off:) Sure felt that way in the pack.

I just went out and weighed her out and no guts in she was 72 lbs. so throw in about 10-12 lbs of guts, i'd say she was probably right around 85 lbs on the paw;)
30% rule for innards gives 93.6 pounds. She looks like a 90+ pound wolf, and that's a damned fine trophy. :)