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Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

She sent me an email last year asking how my archery hunt went in 410 and a few questions about the elk and deer numbers. That was definitely first for me. Gave her the information she was looking for and thanked her for wanting to gather more info over just the harvest survey call.

Found the email. Guess she didn’t ask about number of animals but I did tell her what I seen
Respectfully, why do you think an elected official would be better than an appointed? Are Montana hunters, as a whole, of the opinion that they need to suck up less opportunity to improve the quality of their hunting? My impression was that many/most hunters are going to need to be dragged across the line here, to do what needs to be done. It seems to me like one of the issues that makes this so difficult is that many/most Montana hunters just don't want to accept what has happened to the population of the state and how that impacts hunting.
(That said, I haven't lived in Montana for a long time and I'd be interested in hearing your answer).
I can't argue that a huge bunch of tag holders want to kill something.

I hear a whole lot of complaining right now on how things are going. Might be a good time for change. It's been in the making for over 40 years now.
She sent me an email last year asking how my archery hunt went in 410 and a few questions about the elk and deer numbers. That was definitely first for me. Gave her the information she was looking for and thanked her for wanting to gather more info over just the harvest survey call.
Funny enough I just got an email from her tonight about the elk permit I drew this year. It’s refreshing to see there’s some people out there who actually care about what’s happening.
She sent me an email last year asking how my archery hunt went in 410 and a few questions about the elk and deer numbers. That was definitely first for me. Gave her the information she was looking for and thanked her for wanting to gather more info over just the harvest survey call.
This is going above and beyond the call of duty. (y)
They will get rid of anyone who starts making sense.

Her days are numbered.
wait guys, i have it on good authority from some bowhunter association guys in colorado and cameron hanes that archery hunters are god's golden turd itself dropped onto the planet to be the only ethical sustainable hunters in the woods, no?

better triple their opportunity during the rut i think.
wait guys, i have it on good authority from some bowhunter association guys in colorado and cameron hanes that archery hunters are god's golden turd itself dropped onto the planet to be the only ethical sustainable hunters in the woods, no?

better triple their opportunity during the rut i think.
Well introduce them to @BuzzH and his 7-08 and it will shake itself out.
I think @Eric Albus had this same idea a while back. Maybe he could give insight into the outfitter view. It falls into my general view of trying to distribute hunting pressure over time/space. Not sure why it is just NRs though. It probably doesn't have a huge impact on revenue, which some other ideas definitely will.

I think a few things that could be addressed.
- making Moose sheep Goat OIL
- Eliminating NR combo tag and splitting them into two
- Making all hunters pick a region for deer

It is going to get worse because they have to post all the sent emails publicly (or they are supposed to). The commission doesn't like transparency. Maybe it's human nature when you are criticized from all sides.
Having NR hunters pick a 5 day window to hunt is something I’ve suggested. Mon-Fri, leaving weekends for R hunters. Would also make absentee landowning look less appealing also, and might force a few to seek R status in Mt, forcing them to pay taxes here like the rest of us.
Well, for starters we really need to push for better data, like mandatory harvest reporting. Without good data we are just taking a different shot in the dark.

And we need to put a ton of thought into unintended consequences.
Having NR hunters pick a 5 day window to hunt is something I’ve suggested. Mon-Fri, leaving weekends for R hunters. Would also make absentee landowning look less appealing also, and might force a few to seek R status in Mt, forcing them to pay taxes here like the rest of us.
What a selfless suggestion... Wouldn't it be far easier to simply reduce the number of NR tags if the goal was to reduce NR pressure? Or would that cut into profits too much?
What a selfless suggestion... Wouldn't it be far easier to simply reduce the number of NR tags if the goal was to reduce NR pressure? Or would that cut into profits too much?
They are required by law to issue the amount of nonresident deer and elk tags that they do.
I spent about 15 minutes on the phone with her talking both elk and mule deer. She is definitely keyed into what is happening in her region.
In my opinion, she currently has the toughest bio job in the state and regularly goes above and beyond.

FWP, and the hunting community, are lucky to have her as a biologist.
NR this NR that . Cut all b tags for NR . Period . That’ll cut down on NR pressure . And start limiting R opportunities. That’s only way things will drastically improve
What a selfless suggestion... Wouldn't it be far easier to simply reduce the number of NR tags if the goal was to reduce NR pressure? Or would that cut into profits too much?

Another cheap shot whilst hiding behind an anonymous internet moniker.

If I was in charge we’d have gone LE permanently long ago. I’m not, so suggestions will be move mule deer season to Oct, or three weeks general, last 2 weeks permit only(and not many permits issued). Along with dozens of other suggestions that need be considered.
Yes I know that, but for an outfitter to suggest limiting all nonresident hunters to a typical outfitted hunt window because he cares about the tax base seems rather disingenuous.
I’m not limiting them to an outfitted hunt. I am just saying as a NR you pick the 5 day window you hunt OUR state. None of us living here want to see NR come here set up camp for 2-3-4-5 weeks and compete with R hunters, most of whom only have Saturday and Sunday to recreate.

This will most like never fly, as a lot of absentee landowners have mighty deep pockets. For which reason I’d like to see them either hunt their trophy ranch for 5 days and go home, or establish residency and pay taxes, just like a real Montanan.
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