Title says "Shake IT UP" At this point Im not in favor of shortening seasons or reducing opportunity for Mt residents. If forced to pick one, I'd have to go with eliminating or modifying the two day youth season to whitetail does only as the way to go to protect the greatest number of mule deer bucks while minimizing the impact to DIY hunters and outfitters, etc. Im confident that the above is not a palatable option and will get some folks fired up. I guess if one had the fortitude to pursue this mule deer management seriously they would start by throwing the youth hunters under the bus. What does gravel me is the hypocrisy of SOME promoting additional regulations and yet still shooting a mediocre muley at best during the rut. Take a doe or a whitetail and grind it up for jerky. I have zero respect for the individual that promotes or wants to limit or restrict opportunity while not conforming to THEIR own agenda at present. It reminds me of a friend of mine that shot a rag horn bull to put "meat in the freezer" after passing up cows through much of the season. Did he really want the meat or the label of having killed a "bull" to stroke his ego. Persistence and the ability to eat a deer tag when necessary will produce a big mule deer buck in MT, as opposed to connecting to Onyx and going BM bopping.