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Montana Representative Rosendale at it again

Funny, I remember being in MT in 1975 and I was in Butte the day Nixon resigned.
It was a street party, literally across the state.
A state that I termed redneck Democrats. Being of no party but common sense myself.
I bought a cowboy hat that day that is still my favorite.

Still a decline to state voter and I wear that hat proudly still.

I hope MT figures it out before they are pigeonholed into oblivion.
If I recall MT hated the EPA and hence Nixon. The economy was in ruins and Coalstrip was going to save them.
As they ate away at Butte and Anaconda was just setting fires to the town to gain new pit land.

There was little talk of saving our Public Lands.
MT state Dems are typically pretty distinct from the national party platform. Unfortunately that distinction seems lost on voters, who now pay more attention to a letter accompanying a name than policy proposals.
Until they get to DC and vote for whatever insane leftist legislation is put in front of them.
I am not a fan of Daines. Every time I’ve ever emailed his office regarding issues I get the same bs response that starts off with him telling me that he is a 6th generation Montanan. Like that makes him immune to criticism because he knows what’s best.

Although I’m conservative, Tester is one of the few democrats that I’ve ever voted for. I vote public lands as one of my top priorities. The problem is that the average Montana voter does not. I talk to people every day who are moving here. The majority of them are fleeing places like CA, WA, and OR. They hate what the Democratic Party has done in their states and they will only vote for someone with an R beside their name. It doesn’t matter if that is Matt R who doesn’t have their best interest at heart. It’s sad but true. I think Tester is toast.
Can you blame them? Between lockdowns, gun grabbing, through the roof taxes, rampant crime, people’s livelihoods are being destroyed by Democrat policies in coastal states and they want out. You really expect them to vote for the same things they just fled?

Places like Montana and Idaho are seeing the pendulum swing far right as a result of the utter nonsense the left has shoved down our throats for the last decade. It’s a predictable response.
Until they get to DC and vote for whatever insane leftist legislation is put in front of them.
Huh. The one piece of gun legislation that Obama signed was Tester’s bill that allows you to carry in a national park. Tester’s sponsorship of that bill is not “whatever insane leftist legislation is put in front of them.” I appreciate other opinions, but not the hyperbole and distortion that seems to be the standard these days.
Huh. The one piece of gun legislation that Obama signed was Tester’s bill that allows you to carry in a national park. Tester’s sponsorship of that bill is not “whatever insane leftist legislation is put in front of them.” I appreciate other opinions, but not the hyperbole and distortion that seems to be the standard these days.
Super weird that Tester just voted to uphold the Biden ATF’s gun ban turning millions of Americans into felons! Super weird that he voted along with all democrats in doing so! So much nuance!
Can you blame them? Between lockdowns, gun grabbing, through the roof taxes, rampant crime, people’s livelihoods are being destroyed by Democrat policies in coastal states and they want out. You really expect them to vote for the same things they just fled?

Places like Montana and Idaho are seeing the pendulum swing far right as a result of the utter nonsense the left has shoved down our throats for the last decade. It’s a predictable response.
After reading this I was starting to get angry with all the liberal states for sending these people to Montana and ruining the state. Then I remembered that most of the out of state license plates that I see here are from Texas.
Rosendale tinfoil hat regime continues. This crosses the line from being an eastern MT representative to being against western MT whether it’s anti public lands or this measure to single handedly destroy the Bitterroot valley. From experience I can tell you that I’d rather have the Hamilton BSL4 facility in my back yard studying the world‘s unknown pathogens, than any lower level laboratory. It is amazingly well thought out for redundancy and fail safe measures. Rosendale knows not of what he speaks.

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Rosendale tinfoil hat regime continues. This crosses the line from being an eastern MT representative to being against western MT whether it’s anti public lands or this measure to single handedly destroy the Bitterroot valley. From experience I can tell you that I’d rather have the Hamilton BSL4 facility in my back yard studying the world‘s unknown pathogens, than any lower level laboratory. It is amazingly well thought out for redundancy and fail safe measures. Rosendale knows not of what he speaks.

Don't know much about Rosendale. But not sure I would want a gain of function laboratory in my back yard messing with rocky mountian spotted fever and lyme dieses or whatever else.They are all secure until they are not

Didn't cwd originate in a research facility?
Don't know much about Rosendale. But not sure I would want a gain of function laboratory in my back yard messing with rocky mountian spotted fever and lyme dieses or whatever else.They are all secure until the
Didn't cwd originate in a research facility?
Gain of function is pure internet garbage. How else do you figure out a pathogen than figure out what makes it tick? At least working on it in an American BSL4 laboratory with required N+2 safety redundancy is better than a Chinese laboratory with unknown protocols. RML but the way is even working on Hanta Virus from your neck of the woods in case you don’t think they are relevant to you.
Don't know much about Rosendale. But not sure I would want a gain of function laboratory in my back yard messing with rocky mountian spotted fever and lyme dieses or whatever else.They are all secure until they are not

Didn't cwd originate in a research facility?
Why is any research on any pathogen now just called gain-of-function? I suspect most people don’t even know what that means.

I really feel like some people would prefer we go back to the Dark Ages where we treated diseases with potions and incantations.
Gain of function is pure internet garbage. How else do you figure out a pathogen than figure out what makes it tick? At least working on it in an American BSL4 laboratory with required N+2 safety redundancy is better than a Chinese laboratory with unknown protocols. RML but the way is even working on Hanta Virus from your neck of the woods in case you don’t think they are relevant to you.
So is it garbage or is it how they figure out what makes a pathogen tick?

I would prefer they leave nature alone
Why is any research on any pathogen now just called gain-of-function? I suspect most people don’t even know what that means.

I really feel like some people would prefer we go back to the Dark Ages where we treated diseases with potions and incantations.
Why is any research on any pathogen now just called gain-of-function? I suspect most people don’t even know what that means.

I really feel like some people would prefer we go back to the Dark Ages where we treated diseases with potions and incantations.
Here is how screwed up this is: I tried to send Rosendale an email to explain my version of the situation he is trying legislate against. It is immediately blocked because I live outside his legislative district. My only recourse was to email senators Tester and Dianes. And yes Hunting Wife it does feel like some of the folks would rather go back to the dark ages —UNTIL it affects them. Look at most every electron microscope picture of the corona virus. It is credited from Rocky Mountain Laboratories. They have the equipment! No one else does.
They have the equipment! No one else does.
Eh, False. NIH, among U.S. and other country facilities operate BSL 4 - though for sake of your original post:

"Tards to the left of me turds to the right... Here I am stuck in the middle with you.", I feel your pain.

The principle behind our great RML NIH site location for BSL 4 research? Quanantine / lock down the community if a BSL 3-4 breach occurs. Necessary and valuable though since we are laying the cards out - this is one of the premier sites for highest level bio research known to humans. (Good friends with a few remaining, of the mass attrition rate, NIH Federal Police who get shit on for federal LEO status/retirement). Shout out for our NIH Police to our Montana / American Voters.

What does your post have to do with this thread? Meh... life of HT threads. :rolleyes: Rationalize away.

Ok. So Rosendale's a boob. It's like saying "The Kettle's black..." I believe the rest of this quote is common sense. :)
My letter to Rosendale:

Thanks Maryland Matt for doing such a great job of representing Montana. I especially like how you get your facts from Facebook. I too have found that to be the bestest. All of us Montanans know that science works best when it’s political. We know that all that evil gain of function research is the devil. My momma says that’s how snakes lost their legs and spiders got eight of them. Anyway we are all proud of you and the fact your a fifth generation Montanan from Maryland with a big ranch. Thanks

Bobby from Montana
Eh, False. NIH, among U.S. and other country facilities operate BSL 4 - though for sake of your original post:

"Tards to the left of me turds to the right... Here I am stuck in the middle with you.", I feel your pain.

The principle behind our great RML NIH site location for BSL 4 research? Quanantine / lock down the community if a BSL 3-4 breach occurs. Necessary and valuable though since we are laying the cards out - this is one of the premier sites for highest level bio research known to humans. (Good friends with a few remaining, of the mass attrition rate, NIH Federal Police who get shit on for federal LEO status/retirement). Shout out for our NIH Police to our Montana / American Voters.

What does your post have to do with this thread? Meh... life of HT threads. :rolleyes: Rationalize away.

Ok. So Rosendale's a boob. It's like saying "The Kettle's black..." I believe the rest of this quote is common sense. :)
Jesus Sytes—English please!

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