Kenetrek Boots

Montana Representative Rosendale at it again

Bringing it back.

Because I believe the best way to get folks to pay attention to LWCF and its importance in their lives is to point to local examples, here's a map, though it seems to actually missing a bunch of acquisitions for which LWCF was a part of the funding.

Even the baseball fields on which my son played little league last night were developed using LWCF funding.

View attachment 274624View attachment 274625

We need to point out this anti-conservation, and what it would mean for hunters and anglers and folks who use the outdoors, but also it's really anti-local, and anti-rural - two things Rosendale claims to be a champion of.

Find out what work RMEF or others have done in your neck of the woods, and utilize it to point out to your community members how it has benefitted them.
Everyone should take a look at this map, and then contact their representatives and ask them not to support any of this legislation from Rosendale et al.

That would be far more productive than much of the current discussion.
Yet he hates it when his Aesop's fables and fake religion is questioned.

A real turd, intolerant of others, and the typical good "christian". Christian values my ass, it's hate and intolerance hiding behind the bible.

He's a joke and a hypocrite.

He's the very reason why this is so easy, and spot on:

That image demonstrates the ridiculous nature of many on this forum over hot button issues; guns, public land, wildlife management; but blind to destruction of our culture and country.

Aesop's Fables written 500 BC and no reference to Satyr's in Bible; old or new testaments so it's your God complex and blind hate linking Greek Mythology to God.

Buzz "What is a woman?" Things not of God are Fables and those who don't recognize Fables are Fools. You are a fool!
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Whut Da Fook is dis chit?👆

Here’s a web map of RMEF projects. Focus on the public land protection and access projects. A large portion if not most at least partially funded by LWCF - which is the thing the guy in the OP wants to render inert for conservation.

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OnX recently updated on my phone which basically means I'm relearning how to find layers but one thing to point to is that nifty RMEF layer that shows the land conserved by the organization. I usually have the layer on but had to manually turn it on after the update. It is awesome to see these access points and conserved lands highlighted. I think being able to see land conserved near where you hunt, fish or whatever you enjoy outdoors, makes these conservation projects more real in that you can see the effects.

Here’s a web map of RMEF projects
This map is super helpful and informative. Thanks for sharing. It's kind of neat to see some of these areas on Onx and be able to read up on them.
This is the reality from an Independent voter / lean Red who actively votes D and R... IF Democrats are able to embrace... If they want another seat in the Senate, they must give allowances for the MT Dem Representative to vote middle of the line with support slightly slanted Conservative while maintaining the conservation values that Montana voters would respect.

If Democrats shine 91% vote representation with the National party - they will be countering the Red State interests.

I'm Independent that votes for who I think is best qualified and meets Conservative lean... with some exceptions.

Born Glendive - Rosendale (R) vs Berkeley Williams (D)... Democrats nominated for D, a person with Sanctuary City endorsement / support... voting in opposition to a State law that bans cities from individually creating liberal Criminal Sanctuary Cities.
I use this as an example not to argue Criminal Sanctuary cities... rather to show what causes some Independent votes (maybe not all...) to immediately swing for the R vs D, none the less losing any hope of R votes.
My votes have been publicly shared here to the extent of ballot photos. I shared with HT members the basis to get Democrats to vote at the primaries for FOX vs Gianforte (Open Primaries) However, many thought Cooney had a better chance to beat Gianforte... Instead of looking for the better of the vote potentials for conservation. Fox vs Cooney.

Democrats in Montana are their own worst enemy.
ya born and raised in Maryland Matt is so electable.

CNN, FTL... Whining about the Republican instead of WHY the Democrat lost to the knucklehead - you will continue to sit in a pond of Blue Kool-Aid and cry to fellow Democrats.
Keep pissing blue Kool-Aid and that's what you will have - Democrat piss.
Until Democrats are willing to look at what Montana voters desire on a national level, continue your sob story.
It says volumes that Rosendale is our representative. I voted for him. Over Berkeley Williams? In a heartbeat!
Sure bitch about my vote and miss my point.

There's a reason Williams lost to Rosendale. Dems and Repubs both have the same $ coffers, nationally.
Both political Boss Parties systemic problems of American politics pick and choose their 50 State fights and how much $ is used to make it happen.

Remember when MT Dems thought it grandiose to nominate Quist? What a flipping joke. AND I VOTE FOR THE TURD. I've seen him at the Wilma Center and enjoyed his music though a politician who wasn't vetted worth crap by the Dem committee??? That's the problem with this whining

Once they give a Dem latitude who holds strong conservation values, Dems will continue to carve the future river of tears path for their stake at the MT political table.
Democrats in Montana Voters are their own worst enemy.
Slight adaptation. Don’t disagree with the original, because democrats in Montana put some real jokers on the ballot. But why should they import someone like Gianforte or Rosendale when the chances of victory are so slim? That R is powerful. Because it is, Batshit crazy works in Montana because there is another high % of voters that will vote for things that are directly against what is their best interest. They get sold a line of BS and they willingly buy it. Logic and reason don’t get you far on the ballot.
I agree, in general regarding trench party voters for both sides.
Montana is about Democrats failing to place adequate nominations that are not voting from the trench. Republicans don't need to worry as much about this... In Montana.

However, outside those trench Red and Blue voters, there's another collection of R and D who are a little closer to the bipartisan side of party politics.

You'll never sway the Tony type extreme trench voters however you don't need to, strategically. You need to sway just enough of the above paragraph to offset.

This is a reason why Schweitzer held office from 05-13. Why Tester kept his seat three terms --- in a Red State.
Enough R and I's are supportive of an agenda that isn't a voter of the trench block.
ya born and raised in Maryland Matt is so electable.

I’m always in disbelief when someone thinks where someone was born and/or raised has any bearing on their character. I have yet to meet anyone who had control over where either of those things occurred in their life. If that criteria was remotely meaningful Teddy Roosevelt would be seen by most of us as human waste. Your personal attributes should be defined by your actions, not where your Mom happened to be the day you decided to breathe air.
I agree, in general regarding trench party voters for both sides.
Montana is about Democrats failing to place adequate nominations that are not voting from the trench. Republicans don't need to worry as much about this... In Montana.

However, outside those trench Red and Blue voters, there's another collection of R and D who are a little closer to the bipartisan side of party politics.

You'll never sway the Tony type extreme trench voters however you don't need to, strategically. You need to sway just enough of the above paragraph to offset.

This is a reason why Schweitzer held office from 05-13. Why Tester kept his seat three terms --- in a Red State.
Enough R and I's are supportive of an agenda that isn't a voter of the trench block.
There is a common refrain that democrats take the inner city African American vote for granted. The same can be said for republicans in places like Montana and Wyoming. I certainly hope there are enough people in the middle, but with extremes driving the narrative today it is almost like you have to pick a side or be irrelevant. All I have to do is look at how others categorize me and others similar on this website.
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