Montana pronghorn draw


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin
Anyone have an idea what they consider early August for the Draw? Interest in hearing what dates they have drawn in the past years
I’m guessing Wednesday the 7th. Last year was the 8th (a Tuesday). Whenever they decide to go on Monday or Friday things don’t go well for them!
My gut feeling is counts will be “high” and everything will be “in good shape” , you know , like the deer are.
I can’t speak for all of the state but the couple units I live in are absolutely loaded with antelope. More goats around now than I’ve seen in 15 years. Based on some of my roadtrips this summer; I don’t think that’s the case for eastern Montana.
I can’t speak for all of the state but the couple units I live in are absolutely loaded with antelope. More goats around now than I’ve seen in 15 years. Based on some of my roadtrips this summer; I don’t think that’s the case for eastern Montana.

I saw quite a few in South Eastern MT during my galavanting this year. I saw multiple sets of twin fawns!
Where I hunt I haven’t seen them return to 2020 levels when it felt like they were thick as flees. The last few has felt more in line with normal but can’t say I’ve seen many fawns this year.
Some of you must not have hunted antelope in MT before 2010.

I did, and I remember going to the breaks with a buck tag in my pocket every year and usually with 2 or 3 surplus pronghorn doe tags. I'm no biologist, but I wonder how much that sort of liberal harvest from 20 years ago brought us to where we are today.

Nowadays in some of the okayer districts of SW MT, hunting pronghorn is kind of a once-every-five-years thing, which is really a bummer when I think about how little my kids will get to chase pronghorn in their lives - maybe the most fun hunting there is.
My dad was just telling me the other day that when he used to hunt down around Baker it wasn’t uncommon to see close to 1000 antelope on opening weekend.
This is where I first started hunting in Montana in the 90s , antelope hunting quickly became my favorite , we had no trouble finding land to hunt or antelope to hunt , hundreds per day . It was a great and fun hunt every time .
My dad was just telling me the other day that when he used to hunt down around Baker it wasn’t uncommon to see close to 1000 antelope on opening weekend.

When I lived about 25 miles north of baker when I was younger you could go sit on a hill and glass 5-10 or more big groups (30-40) of antelope just from the one hill. Now you are lucky to turn up one small group of 10 from that same hilltop. All private.
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