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Montana Mule Deer Management Survey

I love the Hunttalk conspiracy theories lol! Any of you guys ever call your local biologist or FWP office and ask about these surveys? I’m guessing not…

I heard about these a couple weeks ago. According to the bio that I talked to, these surveys are the same ones that were used in 2011. He stated that the biologists asked FWP to put them out as they feel the “temperature” of hunters in MT has changed. They wanted to use the same survey to see if there are different results.
I love the Hunttalk conspiracy theories lol! Any of you guys ever call your local biologist or FWP office and ask about these surveys? I’m guessing not…

I heard about these a couple weeks ago. According to the bio that I talked to, these surveys are the same ones that were used in 2011. He stated that the biologists asked FWP to put them out as they feel the “temperature” of hunters in MT has changed. They wanted to use the same survey to see if there are different results.


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I’m not following. What does that have to do with mule deer surveys?

Edit: I missed the comment on that lol I see what you are saying!
I’m not following. What does that have to do with mule deer surveys?

Edit: I missed the comment on that lol I see what you are saying!
Disclaimer, the comment on the bottom of the screenshot was not mine.

I found this interesting - "It should be noted that this proposal does not address mule deer and may have an unintended negative effect on that species."
Disclaimer, the comment on the bottom of the screenshot was not mine.

I found this interesting - "It should be noted that this proposal does not address mule deer and may have an unintended negative effect on that species."
One thing is for sure a bunch of doe tags that are good for public land and a statewide buck tag good for the entire rut certainly has a negative effect on mule deer. “We can’t keep trying the same thing and expect different results” Hank I heard him say it, a lot.
The danger is that the majority of respondents check the box that supports the status quo, as that will give the Department information that would result in no change, rather than the changes many are seeking.
That is a real possibility. But that is why I filled it out and submitted, also including the note of reading info and learning about mule deer management issues on HuntTalk, hoping someone at FWP is astute enough to check out the relevant threads on HT.

Hopefully there will be enough support for changes needed to improve mule deer management, deer population health and numbers of mature bucks in the future.
No matter what skepticism or doubt you hold ... if you don't respond, then your positions won't be considered. Fill it out; mail it back.
Resident- I found one in the mail this week. Filled it out and ready to send off.
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I hope your HOPE is well placed. Many have been asking for a mule deer plan for decades. I talk to Commissioners, the Director, and some of the senior staff on a regular basis, as do some others on Hunt Talk. We pretty much all give the Department the same request, to the point where my call two weeks ago can be summarized as, "How can our biologists be telling us we are at the best level in decades, but seasoned hunters are not seeing what they claimed to have seen in the past? There is a disconnect somewhere."

I hope they take this seriously. I hope hunters continue to ask for better management.

Last winter when they were seeking suggestions as part of the season setting process, I gave a lot of the same comments about mule deer as I have for years. Then I posted on FB/IG my suggestion that we lower pressure on mule deer in Montana, force hunters to pick a region, and take mule deer hunting out of the rut. If the responses to my suggestions are any indication, expect a lot of weeping and wailing from some hunters if we try to do even the slightest improvement for the cause of mule deer.

That said, hunters are the only hope mule deer have. It requires hunters to stand up for the sake of the resource, in this case, mule deer. There always have been, and always will be, the critics who want change so long as the changes don't require any adjustment to their hunting. Hunters can make a compelling case as to the plight of mule deer, at least mule deer on public land, and we should do that whenever the situation allows.

Reading some of the survey questions, it will be interesting. Those questions are pointed at many of the suggestions the Department has been hearing from folks on Hunt Talk. The danger is that the majority of respondents check the box that supports the status quo, as that will give the Department information that would result in no change, rather than the changes many are seeking.
Agreed. Anyone with half a brain can craft the survey questions to get desired result.
I know one outfitter who has cancelled all his mule deer hunts on the Musselshell this fall, due to no deer. I may have to do the same in SE Mt, as we are not seeing many deer.
When the dust settles in December those of us who care about this invaluable resource need to band together and demand a change. We have to many hunters competing for way to little resource. My fear is that if something is not done soon we will see confrontation in the field that will result in someone being seriously injured or killed…all over an elk or deer.
An outfitter east of miles city has cancelled all of their hunts this year as well. It’s ugly.
The places that are in bad shape will still get plenty of pressure. The parts of the state where herds are still fairly good will get hammered, especially on public land and BMA’s.
Are you guys saying I won't get my forkie near the road when I show up in a couple of weeks? Montana hunting has gone in the toilet if that is the case. I will let Hank know my feeling on this immediately.
Are you guys saying I won't get my forkie near the road when I show up in a couple of weeks? Montana hunting has gone in the toilet if that is the case. I will let Hank know my feeling on this immediately.
Hank is aware, and mule deer are next item up for discussion. Send lots of comments to the “head shed” on lack of mule deer in most of eastern Mt
Are you guys saying I won't get my forkie near the road when I show up in a couple of weeks? Montana hunting has gone in the toilet if that is the case. I will let Hank know my feeling on this immediately.
The opener was best chance for that last “fortis next to the road”. You have to earn one this year. Wa, Wi, western Mt transplants have decimated the antlerless, and forkies early and often.
The opener was best chance for that last “fortis next to the road”. You have to earn one this year. Wa, Wi, western Mt transplants have decimated the antlerless, and forkies early and often.
Well, despite how bleak it sounds, I will come anyway, with my new WA plates. The permit is paid for and I can’t get my money back. I will spend time with old friends and maybe make new ones, spend money in local establishments, and hope to hike many miles and pass on many deer. Heck, I would come even if I didn’t have a tag. I support many of the changes people here want to see, but I would warn that it’s not just those out of state plates causing the problem. Hopefully Hank’s MD committee takes an objective look at the situation to find some impactful solutions.
Caribou Gear

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