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Montana Mule Deer Management Survey

This makes me wonder. When whoever it was who decided to bring game back from the brink a hundred years ago got the idea. Did they send out a questionnaire and ask... what do you think? Should we shoot these bastards to extinction, or maybe rein it in a little? What suits your fancy?

Something tells me that isn't how it went.
First thing that jumps out at me is that if you haven't hunted mule deer in the last five years you are done. If I was in the business of selling deer tags, I would want to know why.

I hear rumors that a mule deer working group is in the future. This survey is going to be used to say that hunters do not want change.
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I received one in the mail as well, I'll be sure to fill it out.
In this digital age that could be scanned and forwarded to a lot of folks. Then we could all fill it out and send it in. I'd give my email for that. Maybe if we present a united front the messages will be delivered.
If we all type a letter up and say that we understand that our surveys were more than likely lost in the mail and that's why this route was chosen I'm sure we would be alright and our intentions would be seen as intentions for the greater good. What could go wrong??

MtMiller can be the mature buck and take charge for the cause.
Well? From the questions asked, I guess that there are at least a few folks in our FWPs that have been listening! These questions mirror what a lot of us have been recommending.

I always have HOPE when it comes to the hard working field folks at the FWPs. It's the complete reversal from the data or public comments from the ADMIN that pisses me off!

I view this survey as a least it's a start in the right direction.
Well? From the questions asked, I guess that there are at least a few folks in our FWPs that have been listening! These questions mirror what a lot of us have been recommending.

I always have HOPE when it comes to the hard working field folks at the FWPs. It's the complete reversal from the data or public comments from the ADMIN that pisses me off!

I view this survey as a least it's a start in the right direction.
I hope your HOPE is well placed. Many have been asking for a mule deer plan for decades. I talk to Commissioners, the Director, and some of the senior staff on a regular basis, as do some others on Hunt Talk. We pretty much all give the Department the same request, to the point where my call two weeks ago can be summarized as, "How can our biologists be telling us we are at the best level in decades, but seasoned hunters are not seeing what they claimed to have seen in the past? There is a disconnect somewhere."

I hope they take this seriously. I hope hunters continue to ask for better management.

Last winter when they were seeking suggestions as part of the season setting process, I gave a lot of the same comments about mule deer as I have for years. Then I posted on FB/IG my suggestion that we lower pressure on mule deer in Montana, force hunters to pick a region, and take mule deer hunting out of the rut. If the responses to my suggestions are any indication, expect a lot of weeping and wailing from some hunters if we try to do even the slightest improvement for the cause of mule deer.

That said, hunters are the only hope mule deer have. It requires hunters to stand up for the sake of the resource, in this case, mule deer. There always have been, and always will be, the critics who want change so long as the changes don't require any adjustment to their hunting. Hunters can make a compelling case as to the plight of mule deer, at least mule deer on public land, and we should do that whenever the situation allows.

Reading some of the survey questions, it will be interesting. Those questions are pointed at many of the suggestions the Department has been hearing from folks on Hunt Talk. The danger is that the majority of respondents check the box that supports the status quo, as that will give the Department information that would result in no change, rather than the changes many are seeking.
Online surveys commonly suffer from two serious methodological limitations: (a) the population to which they are distributed cannot be described, and (b) respondents with biases may select themselves into the sample.
B) can easily be avoided. Although given MFWP inability to run a draw over the internet I can get the hesitation.
A) I don’t understand. Especially given what he said later. They randomly selected the holders from the system. They defined the population at that point.
These samples were randomly selected from the pool of all resident and nonresident deer license holders that we have within our automated license system for the 2022 hunting season.
I hope your HOPE is well placed. Many have been asking for a mule deer plan for decades. I talk to Commissioners, the Director, and some of the senior staff on a regular basis, as do some others on Hunt Talk. We pretty much all give the Department the same request, to the point where my call two weeks ago can be summarized as, "How can our biologists be telling us we are at the best level in decades, but seasoned hunters are not seeing what they claimed to have seen in the past? There is a disconnect somewhere."

I hope they take this seriously. I hope hunters continue to ask for better management.

Last winter when they were seeking suggestions as part of the season setting process, I gave a lot of the same comments about mule deer as I have for years. Then I posted on FB/IG my suggestion that we lower pressure on mule deer in Montana, force hunters to pick a region, and take mule deer hunting out of the rut. If the responses to my suggestions are any indication, expect a lot of weeping and wailing from some hunters if we try to do even the slightest improvement for the cause of mule deer.

That said, hunters are the only hope mule deer have. It requires hunters to stand up for the sake of the resource, in this case, mule deer. There always have been, and always will be, the critics who want change so long as the changes don't require any adjustment to their hunting. Hunters can make a compelling case as to the plight of mule deer, at least mule deer on public land, and we should do that whenever the situation allows.

Reading some of the survey questions, it will be interesting. Those questions are pointed at many of the suggestions the Department has been hearing from folks on Hunt Talk. The danger is that the majority of respondents check the box that supports the status quo, as that will give the Department information that would result in no change, rather than the changes many are seeking.
Yup, HOPE is what drives us. Otherwise might as well just take up golf....NOT!
This survey will cement the status quo for the foreseeable future. Basing management off of what hunters want and not what the species need is mind numbing. The general hunting public is not going to answer yes please cut my opportunity. The local fwp either doesn’t have a handle or doesn’t care what is happening to mule deer on public land. The deer are gone, you can dismiss my observation as anecdotal, but there should not be a single doe coming off these areas and the orange army that is about to arrive could care less because mtfwp gave them tags. Complete mismanagement of a resource.
Maybe Hank will get us some mule deer farms to release a few hundred forkies for people to blast thanksgiving morning to help with the R3 efforts.

Shhh don't give them more ideas. They are clearly watching us 😂
The answer to how easy are the current mule deer regulations to understand better be very easy since they "simplified" it further by turning some permit districts out this way to general....not that they were very difficult to understand before anyway.
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This is pretty funny survey. I wonder how many change their answers? They should have included in the directions, please us a pencil. This is a terrible survey. It makes me wonder how qualified the person was that pulled it together? Its very easy to get the results you want.

Basically they will boil this down to is more people value opportunity over quality. You can't have both. Maybe they'll open another season?

How important is it to hunt Thanksgiving week? WTF. The only way to spend quality time with your family is killing forkys on your day off?

All our game is dead and gone here in AK. I'm seriously considering going to MT next year just to help lower your historically high numbers. No joke was shopping for a Hawken yesterday. :D
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