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Montana mule deer Expectations.

I guess let me be technically correct on this, most Wyoming general season hunts happen in late september and october. A few go in to early november.
Hate to be the one to tell you this but I think you had covid
I speak no lies. Wife made Venison Carbonnade with one side and the other with potatoes, carrots, onions, and radishes in a red sauce. They'll cook for 8+ hours and when it comes out of the oven the meat just falls apart. So tender, so tasty.
I've eaten them off a rutted up 5.5 year old mule deer. 8 hrs in a dutch oven and they fall apart. Absolutely delicious.
Totally!! I like to use my hot rock “box roast” recipe for this cut. 1. Get a cardboard box just bigger than the roast. 2. Season the roast with your favorite seasoning and place in the box. Make sure the roast and seasoning touches the box in as many places as possible. 3. Start a large fire on a rocky beach. Let burn for a minimum 2 hours. 4. Dig a hole 4 times bigger than your box. 5. Fill the hole with the hottest rocks from the coals of your fire. Leaving enough room for the “box roast” and a layer of rocks on top. 7. Place the “box roast” in the hole on the rocks and cover with the remaining rocks. 8. Wait 8 hours before coming back. 9. Carefully uncover the “box roast” being careful as the cardboard should now be really tender. 10. Dump out the contents in the box and serve the cardboard with an ipa. 11. Smack yourself upside the forward if you just read this to step 11.
My expectations would be: if you want to shoot a muley buck, it has to be bigger than the buck you shot last year.

But here we have low standards and are starved for 2.5 year old mule deer buck meat and instant gratification.
I expect a 160"+ muley or 140"+ whitetail every season, with either bow or rifle. Seems like that is a very achievable goal in MT.
Not everyones taste buds are the same.
A few years ago shot 1.5 yr old muley buck in Wyoming. It died quick, gutted it cooled it perfectly. I took it home and aged it for at least a week, meat was perfect. I cooked up some chops at a buddies house, he said it was the best muley he had ever eated and loved it. I could stand it, couldn't get it down. Too each there own.
I expect to shoot a 150-160 plus muley and last 5 years we have shot 140ish whitetail 😂 actually last year my son shot a decent probably 4-5 yr old mule deer but that was first in last 5-everything else has been whitetail. Just haven’t seen older mule deer but we always look for them.
Rut hunts are too easy . They bump that hunt to October and it would be a lot tougher . It’s not very hard when they are chasing does across the highway . All you got to do is road hunt them unfortunately. Even the local rancher told us we were nuts for walking .
Rut hunts are too easy . They bump that hunt to October and it would be a lot tougher . It’s not very hard when they are chasing does across the highway . All you got to do is road hunt them unfortunately. Even the local rancher told us we were nuts for walking .
Use the mirror. Awesome rifle rest. mtmuley