Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana mule deer Expectations.

Agree. Just saying they usually ask you to fill out a form, probably so they can keep track of requests. If they track something, they should share it. Mostly it is a matter of how busy they are, who you are, and what you are doing with it.
I think that depends on what you're asking for. I didn't have to fill out a form for this stuff. But I remember getting a lot more questions and speed bumps when I asked for information regarding how much the FWP pays out to landowners for depredation and damages. In that case I was given some generalized information that was a couple years old and only covered 1 year. If I wanted more, they wanted me to sign something.
I think that depends on what you're asking for. I didn't have to fill out a form for this stuff. But I remember getting a lot more questions and speed bumps when I asked for information regarding how much the FWP pays out to landowners for depredation and damages. In that case I was given some generalized information that was a couple years old and only covered 1 year. If I wanted more, they wanted me to sign something.
Montana law says they have to provide it unless privacy or other concern outweighs the public right to know. Sometimes you have to pay a fee for them to pull it. Yes you have to sign the form. Can’t remember exactly what it says but it didn’t worry me. Something about sharing it I think. I wasn’t using the data for anything other than “my knowledge and general amusement” if they asked.

Yes, I’m sure they hate me and will be happy I moved to a different state.
My expectations would be to see a lot of Washington Minnesota and Wisconsin hunters confused as to where the better deer have gone. BHA hunters that were parked well before first light packing out a two point before noon and slamming some IPA’s at the truck when they get there. And the people that actually lived through all this shit thinking wtf has happened.
My expectations would be to see a lot of Washington Minnesota and Wisconsin hunters confused as to where the better deer have gone. BHA hunters that were parked well before first light packing out a two point before noon and slamming some IPA’s at the truck when they get there. And the people that actually lived through all this shit thinking wtf has happened.
You ain't wrong. mtmuley
You ain't wrong. mtmuley
He’s not wrong, BUT there are hell of a lot of MT residents who were contributing to this a couple of decades ago.

I remember a couple of guys who were in the Custer circa 2000 who were bitching about deer quality after they each shot a small 3 point. Ironic, no?
He’s not wrong, BUT there are hell of a lot of MT residents who were contributing to this a couple of decades ago.
And next year. Most people can’t help themselves.
For me, it is about having diversity in the age class. Maybe someone can point me to studies that show age class is not important for mule deer herd health. If that has been studied, I've failed to read it.

Here, here. This is the same in whitetail country. Every study on the subject outlines the benefits of a diverse age structure, yet crickets from LDWF.

Utter these words in Louisiana concerning whitetails and most of the hunters here want to ride you out of the state on a rail after being tarred and feathered.

Now that they found the first confirmed case of CWD in Louisiana a couple of weeks ago, any hope for quality deer management on public land here is probably doomed.
I also expect Montanans to continue thinking that our Constitutional right includes November rut hunting for mule deer with a rifle. Those who want to defend rifle rut hunting, in spite of any warnings we might have about the health of the public land subset, will claim it is a bunch of trophy hunters pushing the change. I'm not a trophy hunter or meat hunter; I'm just a hunter. I like deer. I like knowing they are doing well on both public and private. That's as complicated as I can make it for my advocacy on behalf of Montana's public land mule deer.

The parallels between what I hear about Montana and what I live here in Louisiana are uncanny.

There has been next to no accounting for changes in public land usage here for deer or turkeys. Most people think they should be able to go fill their 6 deer tags on the local WMA indefinitely when the amount of pressure on these places is steadily rising, mostly due to loss of private land access for one reason or another.

We will have to hit absolute rock bottom as far as public land hunting goes here before anything is done. Seems like close to the same situation the you all are dealing with up there.
Here, here. This is the same in whitetail country. Every study on the subject outlines the benefits of a diverse age structure, yet crickets from LDWF.

Utter these words in Louisiana concerning whitetails and most of the hunters here want to ride you out of the state on a rail after being tarred and feathered.

Now that they found the first confirmed case of CWD in Louisiana a couple of weeks ago, any hope for quality deer management on public land here is probably doomed.

The parallels between what I hear about Montana and what I live here in Louisiana are uncanny.

There has been next to no accounting for changes in public land usage here for deer or turkeys. Most people think they should be able to go fill their 6 deer tags on the local WMA indefinitely when the amount of pressure on these places is steadily rising, mostly due to loss of private land access for one reason or another.

We will have to hit absolute rock bottom as far as public land hunting goes here before anything is done. Seems like close to the same situation the you all are dealing with up there.
In GA they take a lot of WMAs and make them archery only outside of some controlled rifle hunts you have to draw. Not all are that way but it seems to benefit the ones that do have those rules in place.

Takes us back to Montana: amazing what can happen when everyone isn't allowed to rifle hunt a place for an entire month/season
In GA they take a lot of WMAs and make them archery only outside of some controlled rifle hunts you have to draw. Not all are that way but it seems to benefit the ones that do have those rules in place.

I would love to see more of that on public land here.

If you mention it you get labeled as a radical.
Good thing this giant made it through the season. Check out the walnut trash on his G1. Guess I shouldn’t be so quick to say he’s made it. Think there’s still some cwd killing going on.
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Hey brockel, good news. Elk season in Montana ended today. mtmuley