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Montana MSG Results

You probably have too many points to draw
I already told you. They hardly help. I looked at the odds for my sheep tag. I feel so good. So do the other max point holders. None of us drew last year. mtmuley
I already told you. They hardly help. I looked at the odds for my sheep tag. I feel so good. So do the other max point holders. None of us drew last year. mtmuley
I beat them up on a call with fwp about these tags not being oil and they said it doesn’t fix the odds. The sheep foundation did a study so it’s not worth doing it. While it may not fix the odds but I just don’t think anyone should have the opportunity twice when so many people never will have it
I beat them up on a call with fwp about these tags not being oil and they said it doesn’t fix the odds. The sheep foundation did a study so it’s not worth doing it. While it may not fix the odds but I just don’t think anyone should have the opportunity twice when so many people never will have it
Fwp doesn’t have much of a say on the issue it would have to be legislated like many other changes that are needed. I got out of sheep jail this year I felt a little guilty but I applied. If I draw I am not telling anyone but I will take a leave of absence from work for some personal issues that need to be worked out this fall.
If I draw I'm going solo. Just like I always do. mtmuley
If you draw a sheep tag, I would volunteer to go with you.

My first M/S/G tag was a moose tag in a not close to anywhere civilized spot in Idaho (much closer to @mtmuley than Moscow where I was going to school). By September, everyone who was excited to go with me when I first drew the tag decided that archery elk hunting would be much more fun so I was camping/hunting/packing solo. For every subsequent tag, someone has been at least in camp with me and, quite often, a friend or my brother has been right beside me when I shot. I much prefer having company and being able to share the experience.
Fwp doesn’t have much of a say on the issue it would have to be legislated like many other changes that are needed. I got out of sheep jail this year I felt a little guilty but I applied. If I draw I am not telling anyone but I will take a leave of absence from work for some personal issues that need to be worked out this fall.
It was a couple years ago on zoom I didn’t know any of that. I thought it was fwp fault for this entire mess
I already told you. They hardly help. I looked at the odds for my sheep tag. I feel so good. So do the other max point holders. None of us drew last year. mtmuley
You’ll never draw with that attitude. You’ve got to manifest that shit! It’s all in the power of positive thinking…
I beat them up on a call with fwp about these tags not being oil and they said it doesn’t fix the odds. The sheep foundation did a study so it’s not worth doing it. While it may not fix the odds but I just don’t think anyone should have the opportunity twice when so many people never will have it
Combined with making a person pick only one of the three to apply for, it absolutely helps.
Combined with making a person pick only one of the three to apply for, it absolutely helps.
Your preaching to the choir lucky for me I scratched the moose itch last year a little north of us
I beat them up on a call with fwp about these tags not being oil and they said it doesn’t fix the odds. The sheep foundation did a study so it’s not worth doing it. While it may not fix the odds but I just don’t think anyone should have the opportunity twice when so many people never will have it
The un-intended consequence of a blanket OIL policy for MSG in MT is the unlimited sheep units then become OIL (Yet the draw odds didn't improve for LE permits). Also, let's say a 12yo kid draws a MSG goat tag the first year they apply. It would be nice for that individual to have the opportunity to hunt again later in life. These could be factors in why the MTWSF made efforts to clarify the odds and why these odds wouldn't improve through a OIL system. The issue came about when Rep. Denley Loge pushed for OIL. It's rumored that Denley just feels unfairly treated for not drawing his Perma Paradise ram tag.

If people want more opportunity, the solution is not to restrict the draw system further. The influx of new applicants will outweigh this change on an annual basis and your odds will likely still be worse than the year prior. You're better off working with the bios, conservation orgs, etc to form new seasons, offer more tags where it's sustainable, and disperse applicants.

If people are really that concerned about the odds, voice your opinion on the commercialization of hunting that's taking place across all mediums. Consulting magazines, media platforms, etc are all bringing more people into the draw annually than you would eliminate by implementing a OIL system.

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