Montana Master Hunter Program

Thank you for the update. Except for the private wildlife part. ;)

Is there much buy-in from landowners who have demonstrated a willingness to grant access to the graduates? Or will this be more of a way to demonstrate trustworthiness to landowners who are not associated with the program?
Is there much buy-in from landowners who have demonstrated a willingness to grant access to the graduates? Or will this be more of a way to demonstrate trustworthiness to landowners who are not associated with the program?

The answer to both questions is yes.

During the class we had multiple landowners come and speak, give presentations, and interact with us. I would say most did not have any land in the program for MH to hunt when the graduated. From the interactions, they saw what we invested to be in the program and what the program was about and then offered their places to be part of the access program. I don't want to speak out of turn about who, but some were very big names in the state that surprised all of us. When those agreements are finalized, I'll share.

There is also a very real standard that we helped to develop that can be shared with landowners. I think that there are a large number who welcome hunting, but don't welcome the headaches of letting people you don't know hunt. This is a very real way to vet hunters or draw from a pool to help decrease game numbers. There is a one strike and you're out policy; no leniency on unethical conduct.

I don't know if I'll ever hunt the private land offered (mainly since I already have places I go). But, attempting to bridge the gap and increase access is something I am willing to engage and support. This might be one of the most uncharted frontiers in our hunting heritage/industry.
Thanks for the great write-up! I've already applied for the next class. I was very intrigued when I first learned of it but schedules didn't align with the first class. We'll see if I hear from them for their next class.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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