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Montana Hunters.....We Need Your Help

Everyone knew, except the folks the voted for them, that Stapleton and Rosendale were incompetent.

Who makes a motion to delay a decision with no end date for the delay? SMH

Arnsten was equally incompetent compared to her opponent. Incredible those clowns got in.

Did Fox give an indication of his position?
Fox is a yes. Called the other three’s reasoning for needing more time a “red herring”.
Did Fox give an indication of his position?

Him and Bullock-yea

The last 10 minutes were painful to watch. Rosendale was amazed how thick the file was on the easement. He even held it up so Bullock could see.
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In all seriousness,
I have a little voice inside that tells me cracking cynical jokes and sticking to these politicians in jest is counter productive. Then I recall +/- 20 years ago attending public sportmens groups mtgs. where joe public outdoorsmen tried reasoning with these budding tea party mentality politicians. Did absolutely no good. Today, AG Fox - a conservative GOP, was attempting to be a voice of reason, apparently to no avail. My hats off to Tim Fox. The other 3.....................
Him and Bullock-yea

The last 10 minutes were painful to watch. Rosendale was amazed how thick the file was on the easement. He even held it up so Bullock could see.
Pretty interesting for a guy who made his fortune in real estate.
Every time I listen to Arntzen speak, I think ‘if she found a brain cell, she’d still need another to have two to rub together.’

It’s too bad this group can’t make a good decision when there is only one right way to vote.
The end game is to get as much balance in the Habitat Montana Account as possible by 2019, an then have the legislature claim that FWP was derelict in it's duty and steal the money for their pet projects. Mark my words - 2019 will see another significant attack on Habitat Montana.

It's really what certain people want, regardless of the landowner, the hunting community and what's good for Montana.

Keep fighting, kick ass. Pour the heat on and fight for this one, or the rest will suffer a similar fate.

This must be our line in the sand.
Elections Matter!

The stooge on the far right is vying for the opportunity to run against Jon Tester. Matt Rosendale has come out in full favor of public land transfer, and as is evident again and again, will do nothing but hurt the public land recreationist's opportunities and access.
The stooge on the far right is vying for the opportunity to run against Jon Tester. Matt Rosendale has come out in full favor of public land transfer, and as is evident again and again, will do nothing but hurt the public land recreationist's opportunities and access.

Stolen from Old Ranger, "You Just Can't Tell How High a Frog Can Jump by Looking at Him"......
4 pres.jpg
Don't discount ANYTHING EVER AGAIN:eek:........
AG Fox & Governor Bullock calling a rat a rat. Good for them, and especially good for Fox.

Split estate law is settled in Montana. O&G is developed on split estate all the time, and if the land board continues down this path, then all easements will be worthless because they seem to want surface rights to be subservient in all cases to the mineral rights.

Conservationists often get accused of putting the natural world ahead of jobs, but it's now the majority of votes on the Land Board that put the interests of a theoretical company ahead of the actual rancher or farmer.

It's a sad day in Montana when our elected officials (Matt Rosendale, Elsie Arntzen, Cory Stapleton) have such little regard for private property rights.
The stooge on the far right is vying for the opportunity to run against Jon Tester. Matt Rosendale has come out in full favor of public land transfer, and as is evident again and again, will do nothing but hurt the public land recreationist's opportunities and access.


We might get to have a referendum on this "doublespeak mindset" in November, if Rosendale ends up being the opposition to Tester for the Montana Senate race. And again, elections will matter.
Tester holds most of my values. As with any politician, there are aspects I disagree though for the most part, I'll take him over Rosendale, at this time.
HELENA – Republican candidate Matt Rosendale officially filed Friday to run for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Democrat Jon Tester, saying he was the best person to defeat the two-term incumbent in November.

He joins fellow Republicans Troy Downing, Russ Fagg and Albert Olszewski in the race to unseat the Big Sandy farmer.

Some of his voting points of interest:

Link to statement below:
Tester said his stance on gun control has not changed in the wake of last week’s shooting on a Florida high school campus in which 17 people died.

He said he opposes taking guns from “law-abiding citizens and would fight that every step of the way.”

“The Second Amendment is very important,” he said.
He said among his goals in the next six-year term was promoting the Montana perspective on key issues such as an infrastructure program that works for rural America, education, keeping public land public and the farm bill. He also noted he would continue his work for veterans.

Not happy with his position to support and protect Criminal alien protection cities, also known to the "politically correct" as Sanctuary Cities. Though supportive of his vote against the so called, DREAM Act... So he is 50/50 on Immigration.

Before the nitpickers comes in here ready to hump a leg over my comments, this is my OPINION. my PERSPECTIVE... ;)
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I agree Sytes, but let’s be sure to keep this on the Easement. This is far too important to Eastern Montana and the precedent this could set with this land board to let this thread be derailed.
I agree Sytes, but let’s be sure to keep this on the Easement. .


Whats the plan to get this on the agenda? Seems the delay with no ending is just a way to never having to make a decision.

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