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Montana General Season Structure Proposal

I don’t disagree but I believe you need to look to the majority of resident hunters that aren’t on hunt talk. They are going to throw a chit fit. Nonresident regional caps, increase in resident prices, so Ben can keep his funding. The programs need to go for nonresidents add ons. My two cents. Good luck I will be out trying to kill the last one.
Why should we give tags to outfitters? I don’t know why people want to do this. There is no reason to give them preference over the general public. If we want to have a subset of private land only tags that fine. But an outfitter shouldn’t be required.
Fair. Just seems like the toll moga needs politically to do anything
The idea of giving half the NR tags to outfitters or making a whole bunch private land only tags is a slippery slope. This would inevitably be negative for the R too. Just watch how fast every acre of public gets locked up and is no longer available to residents. BMA’s become a thing of the past unless it’s piss poor ground and no one will pay for the access or worth outfitter locking it up.
I think the only way to limit without negative consequences is regional quotas.
If the NR are shooting too many MD does, limit the number of NR doe tags. FWP has the ability to tweak the numbers of tags but in order to do it they need to know who is killing what.
So again, this is where the data becomes so critical. Mandatory harvest reports are needed in a bad way.

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