Montana General Season Structure Proposal

What iam hearing is October better for MD. But my eyes mind tell me different. What it is..... outfitters landowners nonresidents want opportunity and to hunt good to big mule deer. On private. Prove me wrong.
Those deer in western Montana are going to be up higher and out of the ag fields. This hurts any outfìtting there.

You are clearly experienced, well versed, and have thoughtful ideas- but i think youre lacking in terms of practical and possible. Early in this thread and repeatted throughout is LE is a nonstarter with FWP.

It. Wont. Happen. This is a good, imperfect step.
I will best that dead horse and die on that hill. Maybe it best I shut the #*^@#* up.
I will best that dead horse and die on that hill. Maybe it best I shut the #*^@#* up.
I actually appreciate your incoherent ramble and find some value to it. Unlimited LE would nail fwp down with resident and nonresident hunter numbers per region or unit. Get a group of well educated experienced guys and get another proposal out there.
I actually appreciate your incoherent ramble and find some value to it. Unlimited LE would nail fwp down with resident and nonresident hunter numbers per region or unit. Get a group of well educated experienced guys and get another proposal out there.
Please do. We by no means think we have all the answers. This is just what a group of guys came up with. I’m for any change is good change if you can beat us out and go all le good on you
I actually appreciate your incoherent ramble and find some value to it. Unlimited LE would nail fwp down with resident and nonresident hunter numbers per region or unit. Get a group of well educated experienced guys and get another proposal out there.

Two well thought out proposals with backers of each being presented to the commission for acceptance would be awesome! That would definitely help make the point that MT hunters want change, not withstanding FWP’s interpretation of the mule deer survey.
You see - you’re in the minority? Or do you need special help ? Maybe someone who can see parallels?
Do you have a proposal? Or are you in agreement with the survey?

I dont think a survey of 5k hunters determines everything either - and ill bet if things continue this way for too long the survey will lead to different results in 2030 or whenever they get around to doing it again. By then - it might already be too late. By the way - doe blasting ended - and that survey showed that people like that too.

Its funny. Cause ill probably never hunt a public land mule deer again - so for me personally - this will hurt my ability to harvest a nicer buck. I still want this because it sucks for herd health as outlined all over in this thread by people smarter than me.
Do you have a proposal? Or are you in agreement with the survey?

I dont think a survey of 5k hunters determines everything either - and ill bet if things continue this way for too long the survey will lead to different results in 2030 or whenever they get around to doing it again. By then - it might already be too late. By the way - doe blasting ended - and that survey showed that people like that too.

Its funny. Cause I’ll probably never hunt a public land mule deer again - so for me personally - this will hurt my ability to harvest a nicer buck. I still want this because it sucks for herd health as outlined all over in this thread by people smarter than me.
I think Montana needs a change when it comes to mule deer . I don’t think it has to be the first proposal. I commend the guys on the committee. They make some good points . I think go Le statewide and rip the bandaid off
I think Montana needs a change when it comes to mule deer . I don’t think it has to be the first proposal. I commend the guys on the committee. They make some good points . I think go Le statewide and rip the bandaid off
Get on the @DFS @Shed God train and get another proposal going.

Id agree that true managed LE would be better in the existing arrangement.
Get on the @DFS @Shed God train and get another proposal going.

Id agree that true managed LE would be better in the existing arrangement.
Just to be clear I fully support the proposal as is. Shed god has some good thoughts and all I was saying is he should get to it, and see how much traction he can gain because something needs to happen ASAP.
The proposal doesn’t guarantee help to the deer herd , in some ways it does more damage in my opinion. LE is the only sure way

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